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Move a keyframe

Drag a keyframe

  1. If you have a timeline in which you want to create a keyframe, select the timeline from the drop-down box under Objects and Timeline. Otherwise, create a new timeline by clicking the Create new timeline Create new timeline button button, and giving it a name.
  2. Click the keyframe Keyframe that you want to move, and then drag it to the desired position on the timeline.

Paste a keyframe

  1. If you have a timeline in which you want to create a keyframe, select the timeline from the drop-down box under Objects and Timeline. Otherwise, create a new timeline by clicking the Create new timeline Create new timeline button button, and giving it a name.
  2. Right-click the keyframe Keyframe that you want to move, and then click Cut or Copy.
  3. Move the timeline Timeline playhead to the location where you want to paste the keyframe, and then on the Edit menu, click Paste.
Note A keyframe from one object cannot be moved to another object.
Note Moving a compound or object-level keyframe will also move all of the child element keyframes.