Events quick reference
An event occurs when there is a change in your Microsoft® Expression Blend™ application. For example, if someone who is running your application clicks a button, a Click event is raised. You can make your application respond to events by using event triggers in Expression Blend, or by using event handlers, which are programmed in code.
Though you cannot write program code for event handlers within Expression Blend, you can use the event handler feature to generate code for event handler methods. To generate event handler code, click the Events button within the Properties panel, and then double-click an event. If you have Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005 Standard Edition or above installed, double-clicking an event in Expression Blend will enable an automated experience in which the code for the event handler is automatically pasted into the code-behind file for your application. If you have Visual Studio Express Edition installed, or if you do not have any edition of Visual Studio installed, your experience will involve a manual workflow that uses the Clipboard. You can configure Expression blend in two different modes, to choose between these two experiences. To do so, click Options on the Tools menu, click Event Handlers, and then select whether to use Visual Studio if it is available, or whether to always use the Clipboard. For more information, see Event handling and Create a new event handler method.
For quick reference, following is a list of the events that are available within Expression Blend. The events that are available may vary according to the object that you have selected under Objects and Timeline in the Interaction panel. For example, if you select the LayoutRoot object under Objects and Timeline, you will not be able to create an Activated event handler method because that event is only valid for Window objects.
Please note that you can also see what each event does by pausing your mouse pointer over the name of an event in the Events panel, to view the tooltip for the event. Additionally, you can see even more details for each event within the Events section of the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK).
Event | Description | |
Annotation.AnchorChanged | Occurs when an anchor element is added, removed, or modified. | |
Annotation.AuthorChanged | Occurs when an author element is added, removed, or modified. | |
Annotation.CargoChanged | Occurs when a Cargo element is added, removed, or modified. | |
AnnotationStore.AnchorChanged | Occurs when an anchor element on any annotation in the store changes. | |
AnnotationStore.AuthorChanged | Occurs when an author element on any annotation in the store changes. | |
AnnotationStore.CargoChanged | Occurs when a Cargo element on any annotation in the store changes. | |
AnnotationStore.StoreContentChanged | Occurs when an annotation is added to or deleted from the store. | |
Application.Activated | Occurs when an application becomes the foreground application. | |
Application.Deactivated | Occurs when an application stops being the foreground application. | |
Application.DispatcherUnhandledException | Occurs when an unhandled exception is raised. | |
Application.Exit | Occurs just before an application shuts down. | |
Application.FragmentNavigation | Occurs when FragmentNavigation is raised by one or more NavigationService objects within an application. | |
Application.LoadCompleted | Occurs when LoadCompleted is raised by one or more NavigationService objects within an application. | |
Application.Navigated | Occurs when Navigated is raised by one or more NavigationService objects within an application. | |
Application.Navigating | Occurs when Navigating is raised by one or more NavigationService objects within an application. | |
Application.NavigationProgress | Occurs when NavigationProgress is raised by one or more NavigationService objects within an application. | |
Application.NavigationStopped | Occurs when NavigationStopped is raised by one or more NavigationService objects within an application. | |
Application.SessionEnding | Occurs when the user ends the Windows session by logging off or by shutting down the operating system. | |
Application.Startup | Occurs when the Run method of the Application object is called. | |
BitmapDecoder.DownloadCompleted | Occurs when a BitmapDecoder has finished downloading bitmap content. | |
BitmapDecoder.DownloadProgress | Occurs when a BitmapDecoder has made progress downloading bitmap content. | |
BitmapSource.DownloadCompleted | Occurs when the bitmap content has been completely downloaded. | |
BitmapSource.DownloadProgress | Occurs when the download progress of the bitmap content has changed. | |
ButtonBase.Click | Occurs when a button is clicked. | |
Clock.CurrentGlobalSpeedInvalidated | Occurs when the clock's speed is updated. | |
Clock.CurrentStateInvalidated | Occurs when the clock's CurrentState property is updated. | |
Clock.CurrentTimeInvalidated | Occurs when the clock's CurrentTime becomes invalid. | |
CollectionView.CurrentChanged | Occurs after the CurrentItem has been changed. | |
CollectionView.CurrentChanging | Occurs when the currency is changing. | |
CollectionViewSource.Filter | Provides filtering logic. | |
ComboBox.DropDownClosed | Occurs when the drop-down portion of the combo box is no longer visible. | |
ComboBox.DropDownOpened | Occurs when the pop-up list of a combo box opens. | |
CommandBinding.CanExecute | Occurs when the command that is associated with this CommandBinding initiates a check to determine whether the command can be executed on the command target. | |
CommandBinding.Executed | Occurs when the command that is associated with this CommandBinding executes. | |
CommandBinding.PreviewCanExecute | Occurs when the command that is associated with this CommandBinding initiates a check to determine whether the command can be executed on the current command target. | |
CommandBinding.PreviewExecuted | Occurs when the command that is associated with this CommandBinding executes. | |
ContentElement.DragEnter | Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event that has this element as the drag target. | |
ContentElement.DragLeave | Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event that has this element as the drag origin. | |
ContentElement.DragOver | Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event that has this element as the potential drop target. | |
ContentElement.Drop | Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drop event that has this element as the drop target. | |
ContentElement.GiveFeedback | Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag-and-drop event that involves this element. | |
ContentElement.GotFocus | Occurs when this element gets logical focus. | |
ContentElement.GotKeyboardFocus | Occurs when the keyboard is focused on this element. | |
ContentElement.GotMouseCapture | Occurs when this element captures the mouse. | |
ContentElement.GotStylusCapture | Occurs when this element captures the stylus. | |
ContentElement.IsEnabledChanged | Occurs when the value of the IsEnabled property on this element changes. | |
ContentElement.IsKeyboardFocusedChanged | Occurs when the value of the IsKeyboardFocused property changes on this element. | |
ContentElement.IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged | Occurs when the value of the IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged property changes on this element. | |
ContentElement.IsMouseCapturedChanged | Occurs when the value of the IsMouseCaptured property changes on this element. | |
ContentElement.IsMouseCaptureWithinChanged | Occurs when the value of the IsMouseCaptureWithinProperty field changes on this element. | |
ContentElement.IsMouseDirectlyOverChanged | Occurs when the value of the IsMouseDirectlyOver property changes on this element. | |
ContentElement.IsStylusCapturedChanged | Occurs when the value of the IsStylusCaptured property changes on this element. | |
ContentElement.IsStylusCaptureWithinChanged | Occurs when the value of the IsStylusCaptureWithin property changes on this element. | |
ContentElement.IsStylusDirectlyOverChanged | Occurs when the value of the IsStylusDirectlyOver property changes on this element. | |
ContentElement.KeyDown | Occurs when a key is pressed while the keyboard is focused on this element. | |
ContentElement.KeyUp | Occurs when a key is released while the keyboard is focused on this element. | |
ContentElement.LostFocus | Occurs when this element loses logical focus. | |
ContentElement.LostKeyboardFocus | Occurs when the keyboard is no longer focused on this element. | |
ContentElement.LostMouseCapture | Occurs when this element loses mouse capture. | |
ContentElement.LostStylusCapture | Occurs when this element loses stylus capture. | |
ContentElement.MouseDown | Occurs when any mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element. If the ContentElement is a Button control, this event is not registered by Windows Presentation Foundation. Use the PreviewMouseDown or Click event instead. | |
ContentElement.MouseEnter | Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the bounds of this element. | |
ContentElement.MouseLeave | Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the bounds of this element. | |
ContentElement.MouseLeftButtonDown | Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
ContentElement.MouseLeftButtonUp | Occurs when the left mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
ContentElement.MouseMove | Occurs when the mouse pointer moves while it is over this element. | |
ContentElement.MouseRightButtonDown | Occurs when the right mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
ContentElement.MouseRightButtonUp | Occurs when the right mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
ContentElement.MouseUp | Occurs when any mouse button is released over this element. | |
ContentElement.MouseWheel | Occurs when the user rotates the mouse wheel while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
ContentElement.PreviewDragEnter | Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event that has this element as the drag target. | |
ContentElement.PreviewDragLeave | Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event that has this element as the drag origin. | |
ContentElement.PreviewDragOver | Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event that has this element as the potential drop target. | |
ContentElement.PreviewDrop | Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drop event that has this element as the drop target. | |
ContentElement.PreviewGiveFeedback | Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is started. | |
ContentElement.PreviewGotKeyboardFocus | Occurs when the keyboard is focused on this element. | |
ContentElement.PreviewKeyDown | Occurs when a key is pressed while the keyboard is focused on this element. | |
ContentElement.PreviewKeyUp | Occurs when a key is released while the keyboard is focused on this element. | |
ContentElement.PreviewLostKeyboardFocus | Occurs when the keyboard is no longer focused on this element. | |
ContentElement.PreviewMouseDown | Occurs when any mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
ContentElement.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown | Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
ContentElement.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp | Occurs when the left mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
ContentElement.PreviewMouseMove | Occurs when the mouse pointer moves while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
ContentElement.PreviewMouseRightButtonDown | Occurs when the right mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
ContentElement.PreviewMouseRightButtonUp | Occurs when the right mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
ContentElement.PreviewMouseUp | Occurs when any mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
ContentElement.PreviewMouseWheel | Occurs when the user rotates the mouse wheel while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
ContentElement.PreviewQueryContinueDrag | Occurs when there is a change in the keyboard or mouse button state during a drag-and-drop operation. | |
ContentElement.PreviewStylusButtonDown | Occurs when the stylus button is pressed while the pointer is over this element. | |
ContentElement.PreviewStylusButtonUp | Occurs when the stylus button is released while the pointer is over this element. | |
ContentElement.PreviewStylusDown | Occurs when the stylus touches the digitizer while the stylus is over this element. | |
ContentElement.PreviewStylusInAirMove | Occurs when the stylus moves over an element without actually touching the digitizer. | |
ContentElement.PreviewStylusInRange | Occurs when the stylus is close enough to the digitizer to be detected, while over this element. | |
ContentElement.PreviewStylusMove | Occurs when the stylus moves while over the element. To raise this event, the stylus must move while being detected by the digitizer; otherwise, PreviewStylusInAirMove is raised instead. | |
ContentElement.PreviewStylusOutOfRange | Occurs when the stylus is too far from the digitizer to be detected. | |
ContentElement.PreviewStylusSystemGesture | Occurs when the user performs one of several stylus gestures. | |
ContentElement.PreviewStylusUp | Occurs when the user raises the stylus off the digitizer while the stylus is over this element. | |
ContentElement.PreviewTextInput | Occurs when this element gets text in a device-independent manner. | |
ContentElement.QueryContinueDrag | Occurs when there is a change in the keyboard or mouse button state during a drag-and-drop operation. | |
ContentElement.QueryCursor | Occurs when the cursor is requested to display. This event is raised on an element each time the mouse pointer moves to a new location, which means that the cursor object might need to be changed based on its new position. | |
ContentElement.StylusButtonDown | Occurs when the stylus button is pressed while the pointer is over this element. | |
ContentElement.StylusButtonUp | Occurs when the stylus button is released while the pointer is over this element. | |
ContentElement.StylusDown | Occurs when the stylus touches the digitizer while the stylus is over this element. | |
ContentElement.StylusEnter | Occurs when the stylus enters the bounds of this element. | |
ContentElement.StylusInAirMove | Occurs when the stylus moves over an element without actually touching the digitizer. | |
ContentElement.StylusInRange | Occurs when the stylus is close enough to the digitizer to be detected, while the stylus is over this element. | |
ContentElement.StylusLeave | Occurs when the stylus leaves the bounds of the element. | |
ContentElement.StylusMove | Occurs when the stylus moves over this element. To raise this event, the stylus must move while it is on the digitizer; otherwise, StylusInAirMove is raised instead. | |
ContentElement.StylusOutOfRange | Occurs when the stylus is too far from the digitizer to be detected, while the stylus is over this element. | |
ContentElement.StylusSystemGesture | Occurs when a user performs one of several stylus gestures. | |
ContentElement.StylusUp | Occurs when the user raises the stylus off the digitizer while the stylus is over this element. | |
ContentElement.TextInput | Occurs when this element gets text in a device-independent manner. | |
ContextMenu.Closed | Occurs when a particular instance of a context menu closes. | |
ContextMenu.Opened | Occurs when a particular instance of a context menu opens. | |
Control.MouseDoubleClick | Occurs when the control is double-clicked by the mouse. | |
Control.PreviewMouseDoubleClick | Occurs when the user clicks the mouse button two or more times. | |
DataSourceProvider.DataChanged | Occurs when the Data property has a new value. | |
DataTrigger.Invalidated | ||
Dispatcher.ShutdownFinished | Occurs when the dispatcher finishes shutting down. | |
Dispatcher.ShutdownStarted | Occurs when the dispatcher begins to shut down. | |
Dispatcher.UnhandledException | Occurs when a thread exception is thrown and is uncaught during execution of a delegate by way of Invoke or BeginInvoke. | |
Dispatcher.UnhandledExceptionFilter | Occurs when a thread exception is thrown and is uncaught during execution of a delegate by way of Invoke or BeginInvoke when in the filter stage. | |
DispatcherHooks.DispatcherInactive | Occurs when the dispatcher has no more operations to process. | |
DispatcherHooks.OperationAborted | Occurs when an operation is aborted. | |
DispatcherHooks.OperationCompleted | Occurs when an operation completes. | |
DispatcherHooks.OperationPosted | Occurs when an operation is posted to the dispatcher. | |
DispatcherHooks.OperationPriorityChanged | Occurs when the priority of an operation is changed. | |
DispatcherOperation.Aborted | Occurs when the delegate on the dispatcher queue with which this DispatcherOperation is associated is aborted. | |
DispatcherOperation.Completed | Occurs when the delegate on the dispatcher queue to which this DispatcherOperation is associated completes. | |
DispatcherTimer.Tick | Occurs when the timer interval has elapsed and the timer is enabled. | |
DocumentPage.PageDestroyed | Occurs when the visual that depicts the DocumentPage is destroyed and can no longer be used for display. | |
DocumentPageView.PageConnected | Occurs when a Visual element of the DocumentPage is connected. | |
DocumentPageView.PageDisconnected | Occurs when a Visual element of the DocumentPage is disconnected. | |
DocumentPaginator.ComputePageCountCompleted | Occurs when a ComputePageCountAsync operation has finished. | |
DocumentPaginator.GetPageCompleted | Occurs when GetPageAsync has completed. | |
DocumentPaginator.PagesChanged | Occurs when the document content is changed. | |
DocumentReferenceCollection.CollectionChanged | Occurs when an element is added or removed. | |
DocumentViewerBase.PageViewsChanged | Occurs when the collection of DocumentPageView items that is associated with this viewer (represented by the PageViews property) changes. | |
DrawingAttributes.AttributeChanged | Occurs when a property in the DrawingAttributes object changes. | |
DrawingAttributes.PropertyDataChanged | Occurs when property data is added to or removed from the StrokeCollection. | |
DynamicDocumentPaginator.GetPageNumberCompleted | Occurs when GetPageNumberAsync has completed. | |
DynamicDocumentPaginator.PaginationCompleted | Occurs when all document content has been paginated. | |
DynamicDocumentPaginator.PaginationProgress | Occurs when one or more content pages have been paginated. | |
Expander.Collapsed | Occurs when the content window of an Expander control closes and only the header is visible. | |
Expander.Expanded | Occurs when the content window of an Expander control opens to display both its header and content. | |
FileDialog.FileOk | Occurs when the user selects a file name by clicking either the Open button of the OpenFileDialog or the Save button of the SaveFileDialog. | |
Frame.ContentRendered | Occurs after frame content has been rendered. | |
Frame.FragmentNavigation | Occurs when navigation to a XAML content fragment starts, which occurs after the source XAML page has been loaded. | |
Frame.LoadCompleted | Occurs when the entire source content has been loaded and parsed. | |
Frame.Navigated | Occurs when the source content is found and download begins. | |
Frame.Navigating | Occurs just before navigation starts. | |
Frame.NavigationProgress | Occurs periodically during a download to provide navigation progress information. | |
Frame.NavigationStopped | Occurs when the StopLoading method is called during navigation. | |
FrameworkContentElement.ContextMenuClosing | Occurs just before any context menu on the FrameworkContentElement is closed. | |
FrameworkContentElement.ContextMenuOpening | Occurs when any context menu on the FrameworkContentElement is opened. | |
FrameworkContentElement.DataContextChanged | Occurs when data context of the FrameworkContentElement changes. | |
FrameworkContentElement.Initialized | Occurs when the FrameworkContentElement is initialized. This coincides with cases where the value of the IsInitialized property changes from false (or undefined) to true. | |
FrameworkContentElement.Loaded | Occurs when the FrameworkContentElement is laid out, rendered, and ready for interaction. | |
FrameworkContentElement.SourceUpdated | Occurs when any associated data source participating in a binding on the FrameworkContentElement changes. | |
FrameworkContentElement.TargetUpdated | Occurs when any associated target property participating in a binding on the FrameworkContentElement changes. | |
FrameworkContentElement.ToolTipClosing | Occurs just before any tooltip on the FrameworkContentElement is closed. | |
FrameworkContentElement.ToolTipOpening | Occurs when any tooltip on the element is opened. | |
FrameworkContentElement.Unloaded | Occurs when the FrameworkContentElement is removed from an element tree of loaded elements. | |
FrameworkElement.ContextMenuClosing | Occurs just before any context menu on the FrameworkElement is closed. | |
FrameworkElement.ContextMenuOpening | Occurs when any context menu on the FrameworkElement is opened. | |
FrameworkElement.DataContextChanged | Occurs when the data context of the FrameworkElement changes. | |
FrameworkElement.Initialized | Occurs when the FrameworkElement is initialized. This coincides with cases where the value of the IsInitialized property changes from false (or undefined) to true. | |
FrameworkElement.Loaded | Occurs when the FrameworkElement is laid out, rendered, and ready for interaction. | |
FrameworkElement.RequestBringIntoView | Occurs when BringIntoView is called on this element. | |
FrameworkElement.SizeChanged | Occurs when either the ActualHeight or ActualWidth property changes value on the FrameworkElement. | |
FrameworkElement.SourceUpdated | Occurs when any associated data source that participates in a binding on the FrameworkElement changes. | |
FrameworkElement.TargetUpdated | Occurs when any associated target property that participates in a binding on the FrameworkElement changes. | |
FrameworkElement.ToolTipClosing | Occurs just before any tooltip on the FrameworkElement is closed. | |
FrameworkElement.ToolTipOpening | Occurs when any tooltip on the FrameworkElement is opened. | |
FrameworkElement.Unloaded | Occurs when the FrameworkElement is removed from within an element tree of loaded elements. | |
Freezable.Changed | Occurs when this Freezable object or an object it contains is modified. | |
GridViewColumnCollection.ColumnCollectionChanged | ||
HwndHost.MessageHook | Occurs for each unhandled message that is received by the hosted window. | |
HwndSource.AutoResized | Occurs when layout causes the HwndSource to automatically resize. | |
HwndSource.Disposed | Occurs when the HwndSource object is disposed. | |
HwndSource.SizeToContentChanged | Occurs when the value of the SizeToContent property of the HwndSource object changes. | |
Hyperlink.Click | Occurs when the left mouse button is clicked. | |
Hyperlink.RequestNavigate | Occurs when navigation events are requested. | |
ICollectionView.CurrentChanged | When implementing the ICollectionView interface, raise this event after the current item has been changed. | |
ICollectionView.CurrentChanging | When implementing the ICollectionView interface, raise this event before changing the current item. Event handler can cancel this event. | |
ICommand.CanExecuteChanged | Occurs when the ability of the command to execute changes. | |
IInputElement.GotKeyboardFocus | Occurs when the keyboard is focused on this element. | |
IInputElement.GotMouseCapture | Occurs when the element captures the mouse. | |
IInputElement.GotStylusCapture | Occurs when the element captures the stylus. | |
IInputElement.KeyDown | Occurs when a key is pressed while the keyboard is focused on the element. | |
IInputElement.KeyUp | Occurs when a key is released while the keyboard is focused on the element. | |
IInputElement.LostKeyboardFocus | Occurs when the keyboard is no longer focused on the element. | |
IInputElement.LostMouseCapture | Occurs when the element loses mouse capture. | |
IInputElement.LostStylusCapture | Occurs when the element loses stylus capture. | |
IInputElement.MouseEnter | Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the bounds of the element. | |
IInputElement.MouseLeave | Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the bounds of the element. | |
IInputElement.MouseLeftButtonDown | Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over the element. | |
IInputElement.MouseLeftButtonUp | Occurs when the left mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over the element. | |
IInputElement.MouseMove | Occurs when the mouse pointer moves while the mouse pointer is over the element. | |
IInputElement.MouseRightButtonDown | Occurs when the right mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over the element. | |
IInputElement.MouseRightButtonUp | Occurs when the right mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over the element. | |
IInputElement.MouseWheel | Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the mouse pointer is over the element. | |
IInputElement.PreviewGotKeyboardFocus | Occurs when the keyboard is focused on the element. | |
IInputElement.PreviewKeyDown | Occurs when a key is pressed while the keyboard is focused on the element. | |
IInputElement.PreviewKeyUp | Occurs when a key is released while the keyboard is focused on the element. | |
IInputElement.PreviewLostKeyboardFocus | Occurs when the keyboard is no longer focused on the element. | |
IInputElement.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown | Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over the element. | |
IInputElement.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp | Occurs when the left mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over the element. | |
IInputElement.PreviewMouseMove | Occurs when the mouse pointer moves while the mouse pointer is over the element. | |
IInputElement.PreviewMouseRightButtonDown | Occurs when the right mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over the element. | |
IInputElement.PreviewMouseRightButtonUp | Occurs when the right mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over the element. | |
IInputElement.PreviewMouseWheel | Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the mouse pointer is over the element. | |
IInputElement.PreviewStylusButtonDown | Occurs when the stylus button is pressed down while the stylus is over the element. | |
IInputElement.PreviewStylusButtonUp | Occurs when the stylus button is released while the stylus is over the element. | |
IInputElement.PreviewStylusDown | Occurs when the stylus touches the digitizer while over the element. | |
IInputElement.PreviewStylusInAirMove | Occurs when the stylus moves over an element without touching the digitizer. | |
IInputElement.PreviewStylusInRange | Occurs when the stylus is close enough to the digitizer to be detected. | |
IInputElement.PreviewStylusMove | Occurs when the stylus moves while the stylus is over the element. | |
IInputElement.PreviewStylusOutOfRange | Occurs when the stylus is too far from the digitizer to be detected. | |
IInputElement.PreviewStylusSystemGesture | Occurs when one of several stylus gestures are detected, for example, Tap or Drag. | |
IInputElement.PreviewStylusUp | Occurs when the stylus is raised off the digitizer while over the element. | |
IInputElement.PreviewTextInput | Occurs when the element gets text in a device-independent manner. | |
IInputElement.StylusButtonDown | Occurs when the stylus button is pressed while the stylus is over the element. | |
IInputElement.StylusButtonUp | Occurs when the stylus button is released while the stylus is over the element. | |
IInputElement.StylusDown | Occurs when the stylus touches the digitizer while over the element. | |
IInputElement.StylusEnter | Occurs when the stylus cursor enters the bounds of the element. | |
IInputElement.StylusInAirMove | Occurs when the stylus moves over an element without touching the digitizer. | |
IInputElement.StylusInRange | Occurs when the stylus is close enough to the digitizer to be detected. | |
IInputElement.StylusLeave | Occurs when the stylus cursor leaves the bounds of the element. | |
IInputElement.StylusMove | Occurs when the stylus cursor moves over the element. | |
IInputElement.StylusOutOfRange | Occurs when the stylus is too far from the digitizer to be detected. | |
IInputElement.StylusSystemGesture | Occurs when one of several stylus gestures are detected, for example, Tap or Drag. | |
IInputElement.StylusUp | Occurs when the stylus is raised off the digitizer while over the element. | |
IInputElement.TextInput | Occurs when the element gets text in a device-independent manner. | |
IncrementalLassoHitTester.SelectionChanged | Occurs when the lasso path selects or unselects an ink stroke. | |
IncrementalStrokeHitTester.StrokeHit | Occurs when the IncrementalStrokeHitTester intersects an ink stroke. | |
InkCanvas.ActiveEditingModeChanged | Occurs when the current editing mode changes. | |
InkCanvas.DefaultDrawingAttributesReplaced | Occurs when the DefaultDrawingAttributes property is replaced. | |
InkCanvas.EditingModeChanged | Occurs when the EditingMode property of an InkCanvas object has been changed. | |
InkCanvas.EditingModeInvertedChanged | Occurs when the EditingModeInverted property of an InkCanvas object has been changed. | |
InkCanvas.Gesture | Occurs when the InkCanvas detects a gesture. | |
InkCanvas.SelectionChanged | Occurs when the selection on the InkCanvas changes. | |
InkCanvas.SelectionChanging | Occurs when a new set of ink strokes or elements is being selected. | |
InkCanvas.SelectionMoved | Occurs when a selection of strokes or elements has been moved by the user. | |
InkCanvas.SelectionMoving | Occurs at the onset of the selected strokes and elements being moved. | |
InkCanvas.SelectionResized | Occurs when a selection of strokes or elements has been resized by the user. | |
InkCanvas.SelectionResizing | Occurs at the onset of the selected strokes and elements being resized. | |
InkCanvas.StrokeCollected | Occurs when a stroke that is drawn by the user is added to the Strokes property. | |
InkCanvas.StrokeErased | Occurs when the user erases a stroke. | |
InkCanvas.StrokeErasing | Occurs just before the user erases a stroke. | |
InkCanvas.StrokesReplaced | Occurs when the Strokes property is replaced. | |
INotifyCollectionChanged.CollectionChanged | Occurs when the collection changes, either by adding or removing an item. | |
InputLanguageManager.InputLanguageChanged | Occurs when a change of input language is completed. | |
InputLanguageManager.InputLanguageChanging | Occurs when a change of input language is initiated. | |
InputManager.HitTestInvalidatedAsync | Occurs when the result of a hit-test may have changed. | |
InputManager.PostNotifyInput | Occurs after the PreNotifyInput handlers have finished processing the raw input and the corresponding Windows Presentation Foundation events have been raised. | |
InputManager.PostProcessInput | Occurs after the PreNotifyInput handlers have finished processing the raw input. | |
InputManager.PreNotifyInput | Occurs when the PreProcessInput handlers have finished processing the raw input, if the raw input was not cancelled. | |
InputManager.PreProcessInput | Occurs when the InputManager starts to process the raw input item. | |
InputMethod.StateChanged | Occurs when the input method state (represented by the ImeState property) changes. | |
ItemContainerGenerator.ItemsChanged | Raised by a ItemContainerGenerator to inform layouts that the Items collection has changed. | |
ItemContainerGenerator.StatusChanged | Raised by a ItemContainerGenerator to inform controls that its status has changed. | |
ListBoxItem.Selected | Occurs when a ListBoxItem is selected. | |
ListBoxItem.Unselected | Occurs when a ListBoxItem selection is cancelled. | |
MediaElement.BufferingEnded | Occurs when media buffering has ended. | |
MediaElement.BufferingStarted | Occurs when media buffering has begun. | |
MediaElement.MediaEnded | Occurs when the media has ended. | |
MediaElement.MediaFailed | Occurs when a media error is encountered. | |
MediaElement.MediaOpened | Occurs when media loading has finished. | |
MediaPlayer.BufferingEnded | Occurs when media buffering has finished. | |
MediaPlayer.BufferingStarted | Occurs when media buffering has started. | |
MediaPlayer.MediaEnded | Occurs when the media has finished playback. | |
MediaPlayer.MediaFailed | Occurs when a media error is encountered. | |
MediaPlayer.MediaOpened | Occurs when the media is opened. | |
MenuItem.Checked | Occurs when a menu item is checked. | |
MenuItem.Click | Occurs when a menu item is clicked or selected by using a shortcut key or access key that is defined for the menu item. | |
MenuItem.SubmenuClosed | Occurs when the state of the IsSubmenuOpen property changes to false. | |
MenuItem.SubmenuOpened | Occurs when the state of the IsSubmenuOpen property changes to true. | |
MenuItem.Unchecked | Occurs when a menu item check box is cleared. | |
MultiDataTrigger.Invalidated | ||
MultiTrigger.Invalidated | ||
NavigationService.FragmentNavigation | Occurs when navigation to a XAML content fragment begins, which takes place after the source XAML page has been loaded. | |
NavigationService.LoadCompleted | Occurs when the entire source content has been loaded and parsed. | |
NavigationService.Navigated | Occurs when the source content is found and download begins. | |
NavigationService.Navigating | Occurs just before navigation starts. | |
NavigationService.NavigationProgress | Occurs periodically during a download to provide navigation progress information. | |
NavigationService.NavigationStopped | Occurs when the StopLoading method of the NavigationService object is called. | |
NavigationWindow.FragmentNavigation | Occurs when navigation to a XAML content fragment starts, which occurs after the source XAML page has been loaded. | |
NavigationWindow.LoadCompleted | Occurs when the entire source content has been loaded and parsed. | |
NavigationWindow.Navigated | Occurs when the source content is found and download begins. | |
NavigationWindow.Navigating | Occurs just before navigation starts. | |
NavigationWindow.NavigationProgress | Occurs periodically during a download to provide navigation progress information. | |
NavigationWindow.NavigationStopped | Occurs when the StopLoading method is called during navigation. | |
ObservableCollection`1.CollectionChanged | ||
PackageDigitalSignatureManager.InvalidSignatureEvent | Occurs when VerifySignatures encounters an invalid signature. | |
PageContent.GetPageRootCompleted | Occurs when GetPageRootAsync has completed. | |
PageFunction`1.Return | ||
PasswordBox.PasswordChanged | Occurs when the value of the Password property changes. | |
Popup.Closed | Occurs when the IsOpen property changes to false. | |
Popup.Opened | Occurs when the IsOpen property changes to true. | |
PresentationSource.ContentRendered | Occurs when content is rendered and ready for user interaction. | |
PrintDialogBase.PrinterChanged | ||
PrintDialogBase.PrintTicketChanged | ||
PrintDialogBase.PrintTicketChanging | ||
PrintDialogBase.PropertyChanged | ||
RangeBase.ValueChanged | Occurs when the range value changes. | |
RoutedCommand.CanExecuteChanged | Occurs when the ability of the command to execute on the current command target has changed. | |
ScrollBar.Scroll | Occurs one or more times as content scrolls in a scroll bar when the user moves the Thumb control by using the mouse. | |
ScrollViewer.ScrollChanged | Occurs when changes are detected to the scroll position, extent, or viewport size. | |
Selector.SelectionChanged | Occurs when the selection of a Selector changes. | |
SerializerWriter.WritingCompleted | When overridden in a derived class, occurs when a write operation finishes. | |
SerializerWriter.WritingPrintTicketRequired | When overridden in a derived class, occurs just before a PrintTicket is added to a stream by a Write or WriteAsync method. | |
SerializerWriter.WritingProgressChanged | When overridden in a derived class, occurs when the SerializerWriter updates its progress. | |
Stroke.DrawingAttributesChanged | Occurs when the DrawingAttributes that is associated with the Stroke object changes. | |
Stroke.DrawingAttributesReplaced | Occurs when the drawing attributes of a Stroke object are replaced. | |
Stroke.Invalidated | Occurs when the appearance of the Stroke changes. | |
Stroke.PropertyDataChanged | Occurs when the custom properties on a Stroke object change. | |
Stroke.StylusPointsChanged | Occurs when the StylusPoints property changes. | |
Stroke.StylusPointsReplaced | Occurs when the StylusPoints property is assigned a new StylusPointCollection. | |
StrokeCollection.PropertyDataChanged | Occurs when a custom property is added to or removed from the StrokeCollection. | |
StrokeCollection.StrokesChanged | Occurs when a Stroke in the collection changes. | |
StylusPointCollection.Changed | Occurs when the StylusPointCollection changes. | |
TextBoxBase.SelectionChanged | Occurs when the text selection has changed. | |
TextBoxBase.TextChanged | Occurs when content changes in the text element. | |
TextRange.Changed | Occurs when the range is repositioned to cover a new span of content. | |
Thumb.DragCompleted | Occurs when the Thumb control loses mouse capture. | |
Thumb.DragDelta | Occurs one or more times as the mouse changes position when a Thumb control has logical focus and mouse capture. | |
Thumb.DragStarted | Occurs when a Thumb control receives logical focus and mouse capture. | |
Timeline.CurrentGlobalSpeedInvalidated | Occurs when the rate at which time progresses for the timeline's clock changes. | |
Timeline.CurrentStateInvalidated | Occurs when the CurrentState property of the timeline's Clock is updated. | |
Timeline.CurrentTimeInvalidated | Occurs when the CurrentTime property of the timeline's Clock is updated. | |
ToggleButton.Checked | Occurs when a toggle button is checked. | |
ToggleButton.Indeterminate | Occurs when the state of a toggle button is neither on nor off. | |
ToggleButton.Unchecked | Occurs when a toggle button is unchecked. | |
ToolTip.Closed | Occurs when a tooltip is closed and is no longer visible. | |
ToolTip.Opened | Occurs when a tooltip becomes visible. | |
TreeView.SelectedItemChanged | Occurs when the selected item changes. | |
TreeViewItem.Collapsed | Occurs when the IsExpanded property changes from true to false. | |
TreeViewItem.Expanded | Occurs when the IsExpanded property changes from false to true. | |
TreeViewItem.Selected | Occurs when the IsSelected property of a TreeViewItem changes from false to true. | |
TreeViewItem.Unselected | Occurs when the IsSelected property of a TreeViewItem changes from true to false. | |
Trigger.Invalidated | ||
UIElement.DragEnter | Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event that has this element as the drag target. | |
UIElement.DragLeave | Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event that has this element as the drag origin. | |
UIElement.DragOver | Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event that has this element as the potential drop target. | |
UIElement.Drop | Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drop event that has this element as the drop target. | |
UIElement.GiveFeedback | Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag-and-drop event that involves this element. | |
UIElement.GotFocus | Occurs when this element gets logical focus. | |
UIElement.GotKeyboardFocus | Occurs when the keyboard is focused on this element. | |
UIElement.GotMouseCapture | Occurs when this element captures the mouse. | |
UIElement.GotStylusCapture | Occurs when this element captures the stylus. | |
UIElement.IsEnabledChanged | Occurs when the value of the IsEnabled property on this element changes. | |
UIElement.IsHitTestVisibleChanged | Occurs when the value of the IsHitTestVisible dependency property changes on this element. | |
UIElement.IsKeyboardFocusedChanged | Occurs when the value of the IsKeyboardFocused property changes on this element. | |
UIElement.IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged | Occurs when the value of the IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged property changes on this element. | |
UIElement.IsMouseCapturedChanged | Occurs when the value of the IsMouseCaptured property changes on this element. | |
UIElement.IsMouseDirectlyOverChanged | Occurs when the value of the IsMouseDirectlyOver property changes on this element. | |
UIElement.IsStylusCapturedChanged | Occurs when the value of the IsStylusCaptured property changes on this element. | |
UIElement.IsStylusDirectlyOverChanged | Occurs when the value of the IsStylusDirectlyOver property changes on this element. | |
UIElement.IsVisibleChanged | Occurs when the value of the IsVisible property changes on this element. | |
UIElement.KeyDown | Occurs when a key is pressed while the keyboard is focused on this element. | |
UIElement.KeyUp | Occurs when a key is released while the keyboard is focused on this element. | |
UIElement.LayoutUpdated | Occurs when the layout of the various visual elements that are associated with the current Dispatcher changes. | |
UIElement.LostFocus | Occurs when this element loses logical focus. | |
UIElement.LostKeyboardFocus | Occurs when the keyboard is no longer focused on this element. | |
UIElement.LostMouseCapture | Occurs when this element loses mouse capture. | |
UIElement.LostStylusCapture | Occurs when this element loses stylus capture. | |
UIElement.MouseDown | Occurs when any mouse button is pressed while the pointer is over this element. If the UIElement is a Button control, this event is not registered by Windows Presentation Foundation. Use the PreviewMouseDown or Click event instead. | |
UIElement.MouseEnter | Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the bounds of this element. | |
UIElement.MouseLeave | Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the bounds of this element. | |
UIElement.MouseLeftButtonDown | Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
UIElement.MouseLeftButtonUp | Occurs when the left mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
UIElement.MouseMove | Occurs when the mouse pointer moves while over this element. | |
UIElement.MouseRightButtonDown | Occurs when the right mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
UIElement.MouseRightButtonUp | Occurs when the right mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
UIElement.MouseUp | Occurs when any mouse button is released over this element. | |
UIElement.MouseWheel | Occurs when the user rotates the mouse wheel while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
UIElement.PreviewDragEnter | Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event that has this element as the drag target. | |
UIElement.PreviewDragLeave | Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event that has this element as the drag origin. | |
UIElement.PreviewDragOver | Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event that has this element as the potential drop target. | |
UIElement.PreviewDrop | Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drop event that has this element as the drop target. | |
UIElement.PreviewGiveFeedback | Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is started. | |
UIElement.PreviewGotKeyboardFocus | Occurs when the keyboard is focused on this element. | |
UIElement.PreviewKeyDown | Occurs when a key is pressed while the keyboard is focused on this element. | |
UIElement.PreviewKeyUp | Occurs when a key is released while the keyboard is focused on this element. | |
UIElement.PreviewLostKeyboardFocus | Occurs when the keyboard is no longer focused on this element. | |
UIElement.PreviewMouseDown | Occurs when any mouse button is pressed while the pointer is over this element. | |
UIElement.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown | Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
UIElement.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp | Occurs when the left mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
UIElement.PreviewMouseMove | Occurs when the mouse pointer moves while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
UIElement.PreviewMouseRightButtonDown | Occurs when the right mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
UIElement.PreviewMouseRightButtonUp | Occurs when the right mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
UIElement.PreviewMouseUp | Occurs when any mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
UIElement.PreviewMouseWheel | Occurs when the user rotates the mouse wheel while the mouse pointer is over this element. | |
UIElement.PreviewQueryContinueDrag | Occurs when there is a change in the keyboard or mouse button state during a drag-and-drop operation. | |
UIElement.PreviewStylusButtonDown | Occurs when the stylus button is pressed while the pointer is over this element. | |
UIElement.PreviewStylusButtonUp | Occurs when the stylus button is released while the pointer is over this element. | |
UIElement.PreviewStylusDown | Occurs when the stylus touches the digitizer while the stylus is over this element. | |
UIElement.PreviewStylusInAirMove | Occurs when the stylus moves over an element without actually touching the digitizer. | |
UIElement.PreviewStylusInRange | Occurs when the stylus is close enough to the digitizer to be detected, while over this element. | |
UIElement.PreviewStylusMove | Occurs when the stylus moves while over the element. The stylus must move while being detected by the digitizer to raise this event; otherwise, PreviewStylusInAirMove is raised instead. | |
UIElement.PreviewStylusOutOfRange | Occurs when the stylus is too far from the digitizer to be detected. | |
UIElement.PreviewStylusSystemGesture | Occurs when a user performs one of several stylus gestures. | |
UIElement.PreviewStylusUp | Occurs when the user raises the stylus off the digitizer while the stylus is over this element. | |
UIElement.PreviewTextInput | Occurs when the element gets text in a device-independent manner. | |
UIElement.QueryContinueDrag | Occurs when there is a change in the keyboard or mouse button state during a drag-and-drop operation. | |
UIElement.QueryCursor | Occurs when the cursor is requested to display. This event is raised on an element each time the mouse pointer moves to a new location, which means that the cursor object might need to be changed based on its new position. | |
UIElement.StylusButtonDown | Occurs when the stylus button is pressed while the pointer is over this element. | |
UIElement.StylusButtonUp | Occurs when the stylus button is released while the pointer is over this element. | |
UIElement.StylusDown | Occurs when the stylus touches the digitizer while the stylus is over this element. | |
UIElement.StylusEnter | Occurs when the stylus enters the bounds of this element. | |
UIElement.StylusInAirMove | Occurs when the stylus moves over an element without actually touching the digitizer. | |
UIElement.StylusInRange | Occurs when the stylus is close enough to the digitizer to be detected, while over this element. | |
UIElement.StylusLeave | Occurs when the stylus leaves the bounds of the element. | |
UIElement.StylusMove | Occurs when the stylus moves over this element. The stylus must move while on the digitizer to raise this event; otherwise, StylusInAirMove is raised instead. | |
UIElement.StylusOutOfRange | Occurs when the stylus is too far from the digitizer to be detected, while over this element. | |
UIElement.StylusSystemGesture | Occurs when a user performs one of several stylus gestures. | |
UIElement.StylusUp | Occurs when the user raises the stylus off the digitizer while it is over this element. | |
UIElement.TextInput | Occurs when the element gets text in a device-independent manner. | |
Window.Activated | Occurs when a window becomes the foreground window. | |
Window.Closed | Occurs when the window as about to close. | |
Window.Closing | Occurs directly after Close is called, and can be handled to cancel window closure. | |
Window.ContentRendered | Occurs after a window's content has been rendered. | |
Window.Deactivated | Occurs when a window becomes a background window. | |
Window.LocationChanged | Occurs when the window's location changes. | |
Window.SourceInitialized | Occurs after the window's HwndSource object is created, but before the window is shown. | |
Window.StateChanged | Occurs when the window's WindowState property changes. |