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Create a hyperlink

Alert! You will only be able to create hyperlinks within a Page document (File | New Item) in Microsoft® Expression Blend™, and the linked-to topic must also be a Page document in your application, or a Web page. Additionally, you can only apply a hyperlink to text if the text is contained within a TextBlock.


To create a hyperlink
  1. In the Toolbox, click either the Selection tool or the Direct Selection image of Direct Selection tool tool.
  2. Click to select the TextBlock object to which you want to add a hyperlink, then right-click the object, and then click Edit Text.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • To apply a hyperlink to existing text, drag to select the text.
    • To create a hyperlink from scratch, click where you want the hyperlink text to appear.
  4. In the Properties panel, under Text, on the Font tab, click Hyperlink .
  5. In the Create Hyperlink dialog box, enter the text that you want to be hyperlinked next to Hyperlink Text, enter the URL or URI (Universal Resource Identifier) for the link next to Hyperlink URI, and then click OK.