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The Toolbox in Microsoft® Expression Blend™ enables you to create and manipulate objects within your application.


1 Selection tools: Used for selection and direct selection (nested objects and path segments) of objects and paths.   1 Path tools: Pen, Pencil
2 View tools: Used to adjust the view of the artboard, such as for panning, zooming, and camera orbiting for 3D.   2 Shape tools: Rectangle, Ellipse, Line
3 Brush tools: Used to work with the visual attributes of an object, such as transforming a brush, painting an object, or selecting the attributes of one object to apply them to another object.   3 Layout panels: Grid, Canvas, StackPanel, WrapPanel, DockPanel, ScrollViewer, Border, UniformGrid, Viewbox
4 Object tools: Used to draw the most common objects on the artboard, such as paths, shapes, layout panels, text, and controls.   4 Text controls: TextBox, RichTextBox, TextBlock, PasswordBox, Label, FlowDocumentScrollViewer
5 Asset tools: Used to access the Asset Library and to show the most recently used asset from the library.   5 Common controls: Button, CheckBox, ComboBox, ListBox, RadioButton, ScrollBar, Slider, TabControl, GridSplitter