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Add, link to, or remove an existing item from a project

To add an existing item

  1. On the Project menu, click Add Existing Item.
  2. In the Add Existing Item dialog box, browse to the location of the item that you want to add to the current project, select that item, and then click Open. A copy of the item will be added to your project folder and will appear under Files in the Projects panel within the current project.

To link to an existing item

  1. On the Project menu, click Link to Existing Item.
  2. In the Link to Existing Item dialog box, browse to the location of the item that you want to add to the current project, select that item, and then click Open. A reference to the item will be added to your project folder and will appear under Files in the Projects panel within the current project. A linked item is identified by an arrow superimposed over the file icon Linked item identifier.

To remove an item

Note Using the Remove option only removes the item from the Files list in the Projects panel; it does not permanently delete the item from the project folder.
Alert Right-clicking an item in the Projects panel and then clicking Delete will permanently remove the copy of the item from your project folder, but it won't remove any copies of that item that you may have saved elsewhere on your computer.