Using the Same User Languages and Dictionaries on Several Computers

In ABBYY FineReader 11, several users can use the same user languages and dictionaries simultaneously. Several users can also add words to the same user dictionaries when working in the LAN.

To make user dictionaries and languages available to multiple users:

  1. Create/open an ABBYY FineReader document and select desired scanning and OCR options for the document.
  2. Specify a folder where user dictionaries will be stored. This folder should be accessible to all network users.

    Note: By default, user dictionaries are stored in %Userprofile%\Application Data\ABBYY\FineReader\11.00\UserDictionaries if your computer is running Windows XP and in
    %Userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\ABBYY\FineReader\11.00\UserDictionaries if your computer is running Microsoft Windows Vista or Windows 7.

    To specify the folder:

    1. Select Tools>Options… and on the Advanced tab of the Options dialog box click the User Dictionaries… button.
    2. Click Browse… and select the folder.
  3. Save your user patterns and languages to an *.fbt file:
    1. Select Tools>Options… and click the Read tab in the Options dialog box.
    2. Under User patterns and languages, click the Save to File… button.
    3. In the Save Options dialog box, specify a name for the *.fbt file and a folder where the file will be stored. This folder should be accessible to all network users.
  4. Now when a user creates a new ABBYY FineReader document, they must load the user patterns and languages from the *.fbt file saved at step 3 and specify the path to the folder created at step 2, where the user dictionaries are stored.

    Important! To be able to access the user dictionaries, patterns, and languages, users must have read/write permissions for the folders where they are stored.

To view the list of available user languages in the Language Editor dialog box (select Tools>Language Editor… and scroll to User languages).

When a user language is being used by several users, it is available as "read-only," and users will not be able to change user language properties. However, words can be added to and deleted from a user dictionary that is being used on several LAN computers.

When a dictionary is being edited by a user, it is available as "read-only" to other users, i.e. users can use this dictionary to perform OCR and check spelling, but they cannot add or remove words.

Any changes a user makes to a user dictionary will become available to all users who have selected the folder where this dictionary is stored. For the changes to come into effect, users will need to restart ABBYY FineReader.