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Accessibility features in ABBYY FineReader Help

Keyboard shortcuts for using the Help window

To: Press:
Display the Help window F1
Switch between the Help topic and the Contents, Search, or Index pane. F6
Select the next hidden text or hyperlink. TAB
Select the previous hidden text or hyperlink. SHIFT+TAB
Perform the action for the selected hidden text, or hyperlink. ENTER
Display the Options menu to access any Help toolbar command. ALT+O
Hide or show the pane with the Contents, Search, and Index tabs. ALT+O, and then press T
Display the previously viewed topic. ALT+O, and then press B
Display the next topic in a previously displayed sequence of topics. ALT+O, and then press F
Return to the specified home page. ALT+O, and then press H
Stop the Help window from opening a Help topic (useful if you want to stop a Web page from downloading). ALT+O, and then press S
Open the Internet Options dialog box for Microsoft Internet Explorer, where you can change accessibility settings. ALT+O, and then press I
Refresh the topic (useful if you have linked to a Web page). ALT+O, and then press R
Print all topics in a book or a selected topic only. ALT+O, and then press P
Close the Help window. ALT+F4

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Use the Contents, Index, and Search pane

Press F6 to switch from the Help topic to the Contents, Search, Index pane.

To: Press:
Switch to the next tab. ALT+TAB
Switch to the Contents tab. ALT+C
Switch to the Search tab. ALT+S
Switch to the Index tab. ALT+N
Open a selected book or Help topic. ENTER
Select the next book or Help topic. DOWN ARROW
Select the previous book or Help topic. UP ARROW
Display a shortcut menu. SHIFT+F10

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Use the topic pane

Press F6 to switch from the Contents, Search, Index pane to the open Help topic.

To: Press:
Go to the next Help topic. ALT+RIGHT ARROW
Go to the previous Help topic. ALT+LEFT ARROW
Select the next hidden text or hyperlink. TAB
Select the previous hidden text or hyperlink. SHIFT+TAB
Perform the action for the selected hidden text, or hyperlink. ENTER
Scroll toward the beginning or end of a Help topic. UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW
Scroll toward the beginning or end of a Help topic in large increments. PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN
Go to the beginning or end of a Help topic. HOME or END
Print the current Help topic. CTRL+P
Select the entire Help topic. CTRL+A
Copy the selected items to the Clipboard. CTRL+C
Display a shortcut menu. SHIFT+F10

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Keyboard shortcuts for browsing search results 

To select a topic, use the UP or DOWN arrow keys, and then press ENTER to open the topic in the Help window.

Changing the appearance of a Help topic 

  1. On the Help menu, click ABBYY FineReader Help.
  2. In the Help window, click Options , and then click Internet Options.
  3. On the General tab, click Accessibility, and then select the Ignore colors specified on Web pages check box.
  4. Click OK.
  5. In the Internet Options dialog box, do one or both of the following:

Note. If you change the font and background color of the Help topics in the Help window, the change will also affect the font and background color when you view a Web page in Microsoft Internet Explorer.

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