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The PDF Tab in the Formats Settings Dialog

Set the parameters for saving the recognized text into a PDF file:

Option name

Option description

Default paper size group
Paper size
(drop-down list)
Sets the paper size for saving in PDF format. If your pages do not fit in this size, the application will set the paper size automatically.
Tip. If you do not find a suitable paper size in the list, you can add your own - custom - paper size. In order to this, select the Add custom paper size item from the list and in the dialog that appears specify the name, height and width for the custom paper size.
Note: The list is not enable if the Keep original image size is selected.
Keep original image size Select this option if you want to retain the size of the original page.
Save mode group
PDF creation mode
(drop-down list)
Allows to select one of the four PDF types:
  • Page image only
    This option saves the exact image of the page. This type of PDF will be virtually indistinguishable from the original but the file will not be searchable.
  • Text and pictures only
    This option saves only the recognized text and the associated pictures. The page will be fully searchable and the PDF file size will be small.
  • Text over the page image
    This option saves the background and pictures of the original document and places text over them. Usually, this PDF type requires more disk space than Text and pictures only and is fully searchable. In some cases there might be a slight difference from the original layout due to text being placed over the image.
  • Text under the page image
    This option saves the entire page image as a picture and places recognized text 'invisibly' underneath. Creates a document with an absolutely perfect original layout and with full-text search capabilities.
Retain text and background color Set this option if you want the original background and character color to be retained.
This option is only enable for the Text and pictures only save mode as the other modes saves the page image.
Enable Tagged PDF (compatible with Adobe Acrobat 5.0 or above) If this option is selected the PDF file will include a tagged structure and information about the document's contents including pictures, tables, etc.
Note: This option is not available for Page image only PDFs.
Picture and font setting group
Quality Set the quality for saving pictures. Select one of the following values:
  • High if you are planning to print the recognition results.
  • Medium if the recognition results are intended for viewing on the screen. This value is set by default.
  • Low if you are planning to place the recognition results on the Web.

The higher the value you specify in this field, the higher will be the quality of the pictures you save. The size of the file is also affected by this value: the higher the value, the larger the file you get.
Tip. In order to tune the best 'size/quality' ratio, try to save the recognition results with different Quality values, and then open them in an image viewing application.

Format Specify the format for saving pictures. The following choices are available:
  • Automatic,
    If this option is selected ABBYY FineReader will automatically select the most suitable format. This value is set by default.

  • JPEG, Color (for photos),

  • JPEG, Gray (for photos),

  • LZW, Color (lossless),

  • LZW, Gray (lossless),

  • ZIP, Color (lossless),

  • ZIP, Gray (lossless),

  • CCITT4, Black and white.

Font Specify which fonts should be used for displaying the PDF document. Select of of the two options:
  • Use standard fonts
    If this option is selected the PDF file refers to the standard adobe Acrobat fonts: Times, Helvetica and CourierNew.
  • Use system fonts
    If this option is selected the PDF file refers to the standard fonts installed on the user's computer.
Embed fonts If this option is selected ABBYY FineReader will embed the fonts into the result PDF document. Embedded fonts ensure that the PDF document looks exactly like the original regardless of where it is viewed or printed.
PDF Security Settings
Opens the PDF Security Settings dialog where you can specify Document Open and Permissions Passwords for your PDF document as well as the encryption level.

The encryption level you select is displayed to the right of the PDF Security Settings button.