 Change View 

The Scanner Settings Dialog

Option name

Option description

Image Orientation group
Portrait Indicates that the scanned document has portrait orientation (the text lines run along the shorter page edge).
Landscape Indicates that the scanned document has landscape orientation (the text lines run along the longer page edge). 
Measure units Units in which paper format is measured (inches or centimeters). 
Paper size

Specifies the size of the scanned page. You may select one of the standard sizes: A4 - 210*297mm; A5 - 148*210mm; B5 - 182*257mm etc., or you may specify you own paper size by selecting the User size in case your page size isn't standard. If you select the User size option, don't forget to specify the exact values in Indents and Size groups.

Indents group
Top Sets the top indent value (in inches or centimeters, depending on the selected measure units).
Left Sets the left indent value (in inches or centimeters, depending on the selected measure units). 
Size group
Height Sets the scanned area height (in inches or centimeters, depending on the selected measure units).  
Width Sets the scanned area width (in inches or centimeters, depending on the selected measure units). 
Brightness group
Automatic If you select this option, the program tunes the image brightness automatically using its own methods. Automatic brightness tuning is convenient if you scan pages with uneven brightness distribution (some areas very dark, other areas very light). However, the scanning in automatic brightness tuning mode takes more time than scanning in manual brightness tuning mode. 
Use Scanner If you select this option, the program tunes the image brightness automatically using the scanner internal tools. Automatic brightness tuning is convenient if you scan pages with uneven brightness distribution (some areas very dark, other areas very light). However, the scanning in automatic brightness tuning mode takes more time than scanning in manual brightness tuning mode. 
Manual Lets you set the exact brightness value. The scanning is fastest in this mode. This mode is useful to scan pages with relatively even brightness distribution.
Picture scanning mode Indicates whether the pictures are scanned in color, gray or black and white mode. 
Resolution Sets the scanning resolution. The default resolution is 300 dpi (dots per inch). For texts set in 8pt font size and less, use 400-600 dpi resolution. 
Use automatic document feeder (ADF) Indicates that an automatic document feeder is to be used during scanning. 
Pause between pages

If you select this option, the scanner doesn't begin scanning the next page until the number of seconds you set in the Pause line elapses, so you have sufficient time to put the next page into the scanner. After the pause is over, the scanning continues automatically. You may find this option useful if you have to scan many pages using a flatbed or edge-fed scanner without an ADF. 

Pause Sets the pause time (in seconds). If Pause between pages option is selected, the scanner doesn't begin scanning the next page until the number of seconds you set elapses. See Pause between pages option.
Stop between pages

If you set this option, every time the scanner is finished scanning a page ABBYY FineReader will display a dialog prompting you if you want to continue scanning. Click the Yes button to scan the next page and No to stop scanning. 

Duplex scanning Check this option if you wish scanning to be carried out in duplex scanning mode (both sides of the page will be scanned simultaneously).
Show this dialog before scanning If you set this option, the Scanner Settings dialog will always be displayed before scanning. It gives you an opportunity to check (and change, if necessary) the scanning parameters right before scanning a document.