Option name
Option description
Displayed columns
Specify the columns you want to be displayed in the
Batch window. The order in which the columns are
displayed in the Batch window is determined by their order
in the Displayed columns list. You can change this
order by clicking the Move Up and Move Down
buttons. |
The Columns Attributes group |
The Batch window column displays both icon and
text. |
The Batch window column only displays icon. |
The Batch window column only displays text. |
Docking to
Allows to set one of the following position of the Batch window
on the screen: left, right, top or bottom. |
Show Tooltips
If you select this option, a tooltip with page information will
be displayed each time you move the mouse pointer over a batch
page. |
Show gridlines
Shows the Batch window gridlines. |
Sort by
Sets the Batch window column to sort the pages by. The
default sort mode is ascending. |
Sort descending
Switches the sort mode to descending. |