 Change View 

The Thumbnails Tab in the Batch View Settings Dialog

Option name

Option description

Show Status Flags on the Thumbnails group
Here you may set the actions to be marked by special icons on page thumbnails: 
Image has been recognized The icon will be displayed on the page thumbnail (in the bottom left corner) after the image recognition is over. If the recognized page was blank or it is detected as blanc by the program, the icon will be displayed on the page thumbnail (in the bottom left corner).
Image has been saved The icon will be displayed on the page thumbnail (in the bottom left corner) if the image has been saved.
Recognition errors/warnings If any errors occurred during recognition, the  icon will be displayed on the page thumbnail (in the bottom right corner). If any warnings have been issued during recognition (for example, "Please, check recognition language"), the will be displayed on the page thumbnail (in the bottom right corner). In case there were both, the icon will be displayed on the page thumbnail (in the bottom right corner).
User's comments available If some user have entered some comments for an image (to enter a comment, right-click the image in the Batch window and select the Properties item in the local menu, then enter your comment in the Comment field on the General tab in the Properties dialog), the icon will be displayed on the page thumbnail (in the top right corner).
Docking to Allows to set one of the following position of the Batch window on the screen: left, right, top or bottom.
Show tooltips If you select this option, a tooltip with page information will be displayed each time you move the mouse pointer over a batch page.
Sort by Sets the batch page parameter by which the pages must be sorted. The default sort mode is ascending.
Sort descending Switches the sort mode to descending.