 Change View 

The Primary Form Dialog

Option name

Option description

Part of Speech group
Noun Click this radio button if you add a noun.
Adjective Click this radio button if you add an adjective.
Verb Click this radio button if you add a verb. 
Uninflected Click this radio button if you add an uninflected word (one that doesn't vary in number, person, case, etc.).
Capitalization group
Standard Specifies the word you add may have the capitalization you set and three other standard capitalizations: all letters small, all letters capital, the first letter capital, the rest small.  
Proper name Specifies that word you add is always written with the first capital letter.
Abbreviation Specifies that the word you add is an abbreviation (the distribution of capital and small letters cannot vary - i.e. GmbH is never written GMBH etc.).
Word you add Displays the word you add.
Primary form You may enter the primary form of the word you add here or you may select it from the suggestions list.