FormFiller Hotkeys

Hotkey Effect
File menu
CTRL + N Create a new form, from a scanned image or an image file (depending on the mode of button)
CTRL + O Open a form file
CTRL + S Save the form
CTRL + W Open the Data Import Wizard
CTRL + P Print the document
Edit menu
ALT + BackSpace,
Undo the last action
CTRL + Y Redo the last action
CTRL + X Cut the selected object and placing it in clipboard (form mode)
CTRL + C Copy the selected object and putting it in clipboard (form mode)
CTRL + V Paste the object in the clipboard in the current form position (form mode)
CTRL + A Select all
Del Delete the selected fields (design mode) or the field contents (form mode)
CTRL + G Go to the field with the given number
View menu
F5 Switch to the Design mode for creation and editing the form fields
F6 Switch to the Form mode for entering the form data
CTRL + SHIFT + gray '+' Zoom in on the image
CTRL + SHIFT + gray '-' Zoom out on the image
CTRL + SHIFT + gray '/' Change the image scale so that it fits the entire screen
CTRL + SHIFT + gray '*' Change the image scale so that only the current field will be displayed
CTRL + SHIFT + O Open the Options dialog
Format menu
ALT + ENTER Open the Properties dialog
CTRL + Del Delete field text
CTRL + 0 Select tool: object selection
CTRL + 1 Select tool: create of a text field
CTRL + 2 Select tool: create of a list field
CTRL + 3 Select tool: create of a date field
CTRL + 4 Select tool: create of a checkmark field
ALT + left arrow  Align fields left
SHIFT + F9 Center fields horizontally
ALT + right arrow  Align fields right
ALT + down arrow  Align fields bottom
CTRL + F9 Center the fields vertically
ALT + up arrow  Align the fields top
CTRL + F8 Make fields the same width
SHIFT + F8 Make fields the same height
CTRL + SHIFT + F8 Make fields the same width and height
CTRL + T Renumber the fields
Help menu
F1 Open the help file
Field formatting keys
CTRL + B Switch on boldface
CTRL + I Switch on italics
CTRL + U Underline text in the selected field