A card (entry) may have a subentry. Subentries are usually used to list common expressions and phrases in which the headword is used. Like a card, a subentry has a headword and a body. When Lingvo displays a main card, only the headwords of its subentries are displayed in it. Subentry are highlighted in a different colour. When you click a headword of a subentry, the corresponding card is displayed. Headwords of subentries are displayed in the word list; clicking them will display the corresponding cards. When you select a word combination in an external application and press the magic Keys, the corresponding subentry card (if any) will also be displayed. One card (entry) may have several subentries.
The headword of a subentry must start a new line, the first position in the line must be a space or tab, followed by @. The body of a subentry has the same structure as the body of a card, but must end with @ placed on a the next line. The following example shows a card with two subentries, one of which refers to meaning 1), and the other to meaning 3):
E.g. 1:
1) маленький
@ little one
2) немного, мало
3) пустяк, мелочь
@ little by little
мало-помалу, постепенно
The headword of a subentry heading may have an alternative and/or an unsorted part. These parts are only displayed in the mother card. The headword of a subentry displayed in the mother card is a hyperlink to the subentry card. Clicking this hyperlink will open the subentry card.
In Lingvo system dictionaries, all subentries are displayed only in full translation mode, as they are enclosed in [*] and [/*] tags. If you want your user dictionary to look like a Lingvo system dictionary, enclose subentries in [*] and [/*].
E.g. 2:
1) маленький
[*]@ little finger
@ little ways
маленькие, смешные слабости
Note: If a card contains several subentries in
a row (as in e.g. 2 above), the beginning of a new subentry serves
as the end of the previous subentry -- you can put only one @ sign
to separate two subentries.