You can add words and phrases from ABBYY Lingvo:
1. In ABBYY Lingvo, open the card of the word or phrase you wish to add.
Note: You can open ABBYY Lingvo cards directly from ABBYY Lingvo Tutor, without launching ABBYY Lingvo. Do one of the following:
- Type in the word or phrase you wish to add in the entry field and select the Translate in ABBYY Lingvo... command from the Tools menu.
- When creating a card in the Tutor dictionary, enter the word or phrase you wish to add in the Word field and click
(Translate in ABBYY Lingvo).
2. In the ABBYY Lingvo card that opens:
- Click
(Add to Tutor Dictionary) on the card's toolbar. The headword from the Lingvo card will be copied to the Word field of the Tutor dictionary card. The fields Translation, Transcription, Example, and Part of Speech will be filled in automatically: the Lingvo will copy the first translation, transcription, etc. from its card into the Tutor card.
- Select the Add to Tutor Dictionary... command from the local menu of the card. This will place the heading of the ABBYY Lingvo card into the Word field and the selected word into the Translation field (if no words are selected, Lingvo will copy the word on which you placed the mouse cursor).
Note: If the ABBYY
Lingvo card has the Sound facility, the sound will be
automatically added to the Tutor card.