In ABBYY Lingvo Tutor you can:
- add dictionaries created in Lingvo Tutor and saved in *.xml format;
- add *.lud dictionaries created in ABBYY Lingvo and converted to *.xml format.
Important! You can only add dictionaries whose languages are supported by ABBYY Lingvo.
To add a dictionary:
- Select the Select Dictionary... command from the Tools menu;
- In the Dictionaries dialog box that opens, click
(Add Dictionary);
- In the Add Dictionary dialog box that opens, select the dictionary you wish to add and click Open.
- If required, specify a different location where to store dictionary files.
Note: When Lingvo Tutor automatically converts *.lud dictionaries into XML format, the created Tutor dictionary files are stored in the folder specified in the Path to Tutor dictionaries field.
The added dictionary will be displayed in the Dictionaries dialog box.
Note: To delete a dictionary, select its name in the list and click