Using the Style Sheet When Viewing Tutor Dictionaries

ABBYY Lingvo Tutor dictionaries are XML documents. You can view and print them by using any application that can work with XML files (e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer).

To make viewing Tutor dictionaries by means of external applications more convenient, we recommend using an XSL style sheet. A sample XSL style sheet is located in the Style sheet folder on Disk 2. Use this sample XSL style sheet or create your own style sheets.

To apply the XSL style sheet to a Tutor dictionary:

  1. Copy the <dictionary.xsl> and <dictionary.css> files to the folder in which your Tutor dictionary resides.
  2. Exit Lingvo Tutor (make sure that the Lingvo Tutor icon is not displayed on the taskbar).
  3. Open the dictionary file in any text editor supporting UTF-16 (e.g. Notepad).
  4. Find the <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-16'?> string and add <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="dictionary.xsl"?> after it.
  5. Save the file and open it for viewing and printing.