What’s new in ABBYY Lingvo 9.0

The ABBYY Lingvo 9.0 family of products includes three electronic dictionaries:

ABBYY Lingvo 9.0 Multilingual Electronic Dictionary — a multilingual dictionary for the PC and Pocket PC platforms which includes 49 dictionaries for 5 European languages (English, German, French, Spanish, and Italian).

ABBYY Lingvo 9.0 English-Russian Electronic Dictionary — the most popular Russian-English dictionary for the PC and Pocket PC platforms which includes 2 general and 20 specialized dictionaries.

ABBYY Lingvo 9.0 Popular Electronic Dictionary — a popular multilingual dictionary which contains the most common words of 5 languages (English, German, French, Spanish, and Italian).

What’s new in ABBYY Lingvo 9.0 Multilingual

The multilingual dictionary ABBYY Lingvo is the number one electronic dictionary in Russia with over 4,000,000 users. The ninth version now also includes two Spanish dictionaries, which means that Lingvo can now be used to translate from Russian into five European languages: English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish. The dictionary bookshelf has been extended to include 8 powerful general dictionaries, 2 new English and German dictionaries of colloquial usage, and a dictionary of Great Britain. Five phrase books have been added containing 500 most common phrases and clichés in five European languages. More English pronounced by a native speaker have been added. Now you can also hear German words pronounced by a native speaker of German. Lingvo has grown by 50% and now includes 3,500,000 entries in 49 dictionaries furnished on two CD-ROMs. The new version supports both the PC and Pocket PC platforms. A version for the Palm OS will soon become available.

New Spanish dictionaries Lingvo 9.0 includes two Spanish dictionaries:

New general German, French and Italian dictionaries

6 new powerful general dictionaries, the electronic versions of the latest editions of the most authoritative paper dictionaries  



  • The Comprehensive German-Russian Dictionary (in three volumes) (Das Grosse Deutsch-Russische Wörterbuch (in drei Bänden)) © ООО Russkiy Yazyk Media 2003/ by E. I. Leping, N. P. Strakhova, N. I. Filicheva et al. Edited by O. I. Moskalskaya.

  • The Russian-German Dictionary (Russisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch) © ООО Russkiy Yazyk Media, 2003/by M. J. Zwilling.


  • The New French-Russian Dictionary (Nouveau Dictionnaire Français-Russe) © ООО Russkiy Yazyk Media, 2003/ by V. G. Gak, K. A. Ganchina.

  • The Comprehensive Russian-French Dictionary (Grand Dictionnaire Russe-Français) © ООО Russkiy Yazyk Media , 2003/ by L. V. Cherba, M. I. Matousevic, T. P. Vorontsova et al.


  • The Italian-Russian and Russian-Italian Dictionary (Dizionario italiano-russo e russo-italiano) © ООО Russkiy Yazyk Media , 2003/ by V. F. Kovalev.

New dictionaries of colloquial usage

2 new dictionaries of spoken language :

Dictionary of Great Britain  

Dictionary of Great Britain. © ООО Russkiy Yazyk Media, 2003/ by Adrian R. W. Room. The dictionary contains around 10,000 words and word combinations related to the life and institutions of modern Britain. All the head words are translated and explained in Russian. The dictionary includes a wealth of information and is intended for philologists, translators, teachers and students of English.  

Updated general English dictionaries

The 2 general English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries have been updated to include new words and expressions that have recently entered the English language.


5 phrase books :

Russian-English, Russian-German, Russian-French, Russian-Italian, and Russian-Spanish.

Each phrase book contains 500 most common phrases and clichés broken down into subject areas: MEETING PEOPLE, WEATHER, HOBBY, TRAVEL, OFFICIAL SERVICES, AT THE RESTAURANT, SIGNS, etc.   

New sound dictionaries  

Hear 15,000 most common English and 10,000 most common German words pronounced by native speakers of English and German.  

Morphology support for German compounds  

View word forms (i.e. paradigms) and translations of German compounds entered in any word form. For example, you can view the paradigms of such words as "Marktforschungsinstitute" the plural of "Marktforschungsinstitut", a compound consisting of three words.  

Lingvo for Pocket PC and Palm

MEDIA and packaging

175х230х40mm box or DVD-box; two CD-ROMs, an installation diskette and a short illustrated User’s Guide (in Russian).

What’s new in Lingvo 9.0 English-Russian

The English-Russian dictionary ABBYY Lingvo remains the number one electronic dictionary in Russia with over 4,000,000 users. The ninth version now includes a dictionary of informal English, an English-Russian phrase book and a dictionary of Great Britain. Now Lingvo contains more than 1,400,000 entries and more than 2,500,000 translations in 22 dictionaries. The number of words in the sound dictionary pronounced by a native speaker of English has increased three-fold. Lingvo 9.0 can now be installed both on a desktop PC and on a Pocket PC. A version for Palm OS will become available shortly.

New Dictionary of Contemporary Informal English

Dictionary of Great Britain


Dictionary of Great Britain
Russkiy Yazyk Media, 2003/ by Adrian R. W. Room. The dictionary contains around 10,000 words and word combinations related to the life and institutions of modern Britain. All the head words are translated and explained in Russian. The dictionary includes a wealth of information and is intended for philologists, translators, teachers and students of English.  


Updated general English dictionaries

The 2 general English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries have been updated to include new words and expressions that have recently entered the English language.

New English-Russian phrase book


Russian-English Phrase Book  
The phrase book contains 500 most common phrases and clichés broken down into subject areas: MEETING PEOPLE, WEATHER, HOBBY, TRAVEL, OFFICIAL SERVICES, AT THE RESTAURANT, SIGNS, etc.


New sound dictionary

The number of words pronounced by a native speaker of English has increased three-fold and now stands at 15,000.

Lingvo for Pocket PC and Palm

Media and packaging

DVD-box; two CD-ROMs, an installation diskette and a short illustrated User’s Guide (in Russian).

ABBYY Lingvo 9.0 Popular Electronic Dictionary

ABBYY Lingvo 9.0 Popular Electronic Dictionary is a new multilingual version of the most popular dictionary in Russia. The dictionary contains the most common words of 5 languages: English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish. You can hear 25,000 most common English and German words pronounced bay native speakers of English and German. The total of 13 dictionaries contain over 450,000 entries, over 1,000,000 translations and over 10,000 examples.

Main features:

Media and packaging

Jewel box; CD-ROM.