- On the File menu, click
- Change Files of Type to All Money
files *.m1?, *.mn?, *.mbf, *.bak, *.cek.
- In the list of files, find the Money file that you need to
convert. Look for a file name that ends with one of the following
file extensions:
- *.m14 or *.mny (Money 2005
- *.m12 (Money 2004 file)
- *.m11 (Money 2003 file)
- *.m10 (Money 2002 file)
- *.mn9 (Money 2001 file)
- Right-click the Money file you need to convert, click
Copy, and then press CTRL+V to paste a copy of the
file, which will be called Copy
- Right-click the copy, click Rename, and then
rename the file, making sure to change the file extension to .mny.
For example, rename a copy of mymoney.m11 to
- Select the renamed file (the one ending in .mny), and then
click Open. Money will prompt you to convert the