Get quotes for international securities
Go to the Find
Symbol page.
- Under Search for a symbol by company name, in
the Country list, click a country/region.
- In the Company Name box, type the
country/region code prefix, including the colon, and then type the
ticker symbol. For example, type GB:ESY.
- Click Go.
- When you use the country/region code prefix, security prices
are calculated and displayed in that country/region's
- MSN Money provides quotes for the following countries/regions:
All (All:), Asia-Pacific (AP:), Australia (AU:), Belgium (BE:),
Canada (CA:), European Union (EU:), France (FR:), Germany (DE:),
Great Britain (GB:), Italy (IT:), Japan (JP:), Netherlands (NL:),
North America (NA:), Spain (ES:), and Sweden (SE:).
- If you're not sure of the ticker symbol, you can find it by
using the company name.
Go to the Find
Symbol page.
- Under Search for a symbol by company name, in
the Country list, click a country/region.
- Next to Company Name, click
contains, type part of the name of the company,
and then click Go.
- Browse the list of results.
- You can also see a list of international index quotes in the
Stock Market Summary area.
- Near the top of the screen, click Investing,
and then click Markets.
- Click the World Markets tab.