Find similar stocks or funds by using the Stock
or Fund Matcher
To find investments that are similar
to a particular stock or fund:
- At the top of the page, click Investing, and
then click Stocks or Funds.
- On the Stocks page, in the left pane under
Find Stocks, click Stock
Screener, and then click Stock Matcher
below it.
On the Funds page, in the left pane under
Find Funds, click Deluxe
Screener, and then click Fund Matcher
below it.
- Type a name or ticker symbol in the To get started
enter box toward the top right of the screen, and then
click Go.
- If the Stock or Fund Matcher doesn't appear after you complete
step 2 above, click the link provided to download the MSN Money
Investment Toolbox.
- After running the Stock or Fund Matcher, you can customize the
search criteria just as you would in the Deluxe Screener, and then
run and save the revised search. To learn more, see related topics
below about the Deluxe Screener.