Capture Output Properties Output drop-down menu > Properties. Output Properties options give you even more control over your capture output. Select your capture mode and capture Output, then define Output Properties if needed. Output Tab Available in Capture Mode Description Print Image Text Printer Select the Default Windows Printer or a Specific Printer. You can save specific printer properties for future Snagit captures. Image File Image Printer Define how to save captured image files in the different graphic file formats. Send Mail Image Text Video Printer Send the captured file using e-mail. Program Image Text Video Printer Define preferences for Snagit output sent directly to an external program or software application. FTP Image Text Video Printer Define data for the Output to the Web option. If you select Output > FTP, you must configure the properties on the Output Properties > FTP tab. Text File Text Save the captured text to an ASCII text file. Video File Video Save the captured video as an AVI file. See also Output File, Video Capture Frame Rate (Time-Lapse) Setup, and Video Capture Audio Format Setup. File Web Save the Web capture images to files.