Message Finder |
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The Message Finder is an excellent resource to have at your disposal. It will hunt down a message for you and find it wherever it may be lurking. To call the message finder, press F7 button in the Main Window or select Search item of the Tools menu.
First the "Conditions" Tab. This is where you can type in what you are looking for and where in the message you wish to search. These are pretty self-evident.
The Folders Tab allows you to quickly specify which accounts and folders should be included when looking for the message you are trying to track down. In order to work with. Click on a checkbox beside a folder to include that folder in the search. Ctrl+Click on the checkbox to include that folder and all sub-folders of that folder in the search.
The Advanced options allow you to place further constraints on the search. You can look for messages with specific flags (Replied, Read, Unread, Flagged, etc.) or before and/or after a certain date and more besides. |