Microsoft CryptoAPI |
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This engine is part of Microsoft Windows. For further information on the workings of it consult Microsoft's documentation. Please note that CryptoAPI doesn't support data compression.
Cryptographic Service Provider Shows all available Cryptographic Service Providers. Note: If you choose a provider from the list, The Bat! will only check and use this provider; with <default> selected, CryptoAPI will dynamically select the required providers corresponding to a particular algorithm, key type or certificate.
Encryption Algorithm Choose an algorithm for encryption. Note: The list of available algorithms depends on the selected CSPs.
Signing Hash Choose the signing algorithm. Note: The list of available algorithms depends on the currently selected CSPs. Note: The Bat! only adds one signature to a message when using Microsoft CryptoAPI.
Keep associations between e-mail addresses and certificates for signing Tells The Bat! to remember which certificate has been used to sign a message.
Keep associations between e-mail addresses and certificates for encryption Tells The Bat! which certificate has been used to encrypt a message.
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