Add specified files and folders to an archive. This is a command
line equivalent of the command Add.
Note: because archive volume modification is disabled,
this command cannot be used to update an archive volume, only to
create one.
add all *.hlp files from the current folder to the
archive help.rar
WinRAR a help *.hlp
archive all files from the current folder and subfolders to
362000 bytes size solid, self-extracting volumes save.part1.exe,
save.part2.rar, save.part3.rar, …, and add the recovery record
to each volume
WinRAR a -r -v362 -s -sfx -rr save
because no file names are specified, all files (*) are
as a special exception, if folder name is specified as an
argument and if folder name does not include file masks and
trailing backslashes, the entire contents of the folder and all
sub-folders will be added to the archive even if switch -r is not specified.
The following command will add all files from the folder
Bitmaps and its subfolders to the RAR archive
WinRAR a Pictures.rar Bitmaps
if folder name includes file masks or trailing backslashes,
normal rules apply and you need to specify switch -r to process its subfolders.
The following command will add all files from the folder
Bitmaps, but not from its subfolders, because switch -r is
not specified: