Favorites menu

Favorites menu contains the list of user's favorite folders and archives. You may add the currently opened archive or folder and its description to the list with "Add to favorites…" command, which is also accessible through Ctrl+F keyboard shortcut. Descriptions are optional, if description is available, WinRAR displays it in the menu, otherwise an archive or folder name is displayed.

If you select an archive or folder from the list, it will be open in WinRAR. Note that you may quickly access the first ten favorite items without opening the menu, just press Ctrl+1 … Ctrl+0 keys. Ctrl+1 activates the first favorite item, Ctrl+2 - the second, …, Ctrl+9 - ninth, Ctrl+0 - tenth.

"Organize favorites" command allows to edit and delete favorites as well as to move them up and down in the list. Select desired items and press the corresponding button to perform any of these operations. You may use Del key in addition to the "Delete" button to delete a favorite.