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Change the shape of a curve

  1. In the Toolbox, click Direct Selection .
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click a node on either side of the curve that you want to modify (your cursor will change to ), and then drag the node or drag the control handles to alter the tangent of the curve (your cursor will change to ).
    • Click a curve segment on either side of the curve that you want to modify (your cursor will change to ), and then drag the curve segment or drag the control handles to alter the tangent of the curve (your cursor will change to ).
Tip Generally, when you drag one control handle, its opposite will adjust as well to give you a smooth, unified curve. However, this link can be broken by holding ALT while you drag the control handle to adjust each control handle separately. For more information about adjusting control handles, see Redefine control handles for a node.