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Deploying and publishing Expression Blend applications

After you use Microsoft® Expression Blend™ or Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005 to build your application, you need to deploy (or, publish) your application so that other people can use it.

What you need to publish your application

An Expression Blend application is essentially a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application, so the methods of deployment are the same.  To deploy an Expression Blend application, you need to use the deployment tools of Visual Studio 2005. The tool you use depends on the type of application you want to deliver:

For more information about Xcopy, Windows Installer, ClickOnce, and standalone and browser-hosted applications, see the Deploying a Windows Presentation Foundation Application topic, and the "Deploying a XAML Browser Application" section of the Windows Presentation Foundation Browser-Hosted Applications Overview topic, on MSDN.

What a user needs to run your application

For an end user to be able to run your Expression Blend application on their computer, the user must have the building blocks of the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) installed. If the user is running Windows Vista™, these building blocks are already installed by default.  If the user is running Windows® XP or Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003, they must have the latest service pack installed, as well as the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Redistributable Package, which contains the WPF building blocks (or, assemblies).

If your WPF application is an XBAP or markup-only, the user currently needs to use Internet Explorer® version 6.0 or 7.0 to view your application, as well as the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 redistributable package.

Sharing code

Apart from deploying a complete application, you might want to share pieces of your application, such as XAML elements, XAML resources, user controls, class definition files, or custom control library files (.dll). For more information, see Sharing Code in this User Guide.


An Expression Blend application is essentially a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application, so the services that secure applications are the same:

For more information about WPF application security, see the Security topics in the Windows Presentation Foundation section of MSDN.