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Check spelling

Alert! The spelling checker feature is only available for English, German, Spanish, and French.

When you start to edit the text in a text box in Microsoft® Expression Blend™, the spelling checker automatically indicates, via a wavy red underline, all words in the text box that are not included in the current dictionary. You can select from a list of suggested alternative words to replace an underlined word, or you can choose to have the spelling checker ignore all instances of that word.

To check spelling
  1. In the Toolbox, click either the Selection tool or the Direct Selection image of Direct Selection tool tool, and then click the text box in which you want to check spelling.
  2. Right-click the text box, and then click Edit Text.
  3. Right-click any word in the text box that has a wavy red underline, to see suggested alternative spellings for the word, and then do one of the following:
    • Click a word in the list to select it to replace the underlined word.
    • Click Ignore All to stop the spelling checker from underlining instances of the word.
  • Not only can you use the spelling check feature to check the spelling in your application during design time, but you can also build the spelling check feature into your application so that users can check spelling in the application during run time. The SpellCheck.IsEnabled property in the Miscellaneous category of the Properties panel gives the user of the application some word processing functionality within editable text boxes.
  • To use additional language dictionaries with the spelling checker, install the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Language Packs from the Microsoft Download Center. The spelling checker feature is only available for English, German, Spanish, and French.