Making Screenshots

ABBYY Screenshot Reader can create screenshots of selected areas on the screen of your computer and save them to a file, copy them to the Clipboard or send them to ABBYY FineReader.

To create a screenshot:

  1. In the drop-down list on the ABBYY Screenshot Reader toolbar, select one of the following:
    Image to Clipboard
    Image to ABBYY FineReader (select this option if the screen area contains both text and pictures)
    Image to File
  2. Click . The mouse cursor will change to .
  3. Place the mouse cursor in a corner of the area you wish to select. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor diagonally to the opposite corner of the area you wish to select. The selected area will be enclosed in a frame.
  4. The screenshot will be saved to a file, copied to the Clipboard or added to a ABBYY FineReader batch, depending on the action you selected in the drop-down list on the ABBYY Screenshot Reader toolbar. If you selected Text to File, the Save As dialog will open. In this dialog, provide the name and format of the file into which the text must be saved.

Note: To cancel screenshot creation, press Esc.