
  Show me the View tab of the Options dialog box
Option Description
ABBYY Lingvo Main Window
Font Here you can choose the font used to display the word list in the ABBYY Lingvo main window.
Size Here you can choose the size of the font used to display the word list in the ABBYY Lingvo main window.
Transparency value for inactive window - Selects a transparency level for the main window ranging from 0% (clear) to 90% (solid).

Important! This option is not available under Microsoft® Windows® 98/Me.

Apply transparency settings to cards Applies the main window transparency settings to card windows.
Cards and Dialog Boxes
Font Selects the font to be used in card windows and translation/search results windows.
Size Selects the size of the font to be used in card windows and translation/search results windows.
Colour palettes
To set up the colour of any card zone, click the button next to the zone name and in the Colour window that opens, select the required colour and click OK.
Hyperlinks Selects the colour of hyperlinks.
Examples Selects the colour of examples (also applies to synonyms, antonyms, etc.).
Stressed vowels Selects the colour of stressed vowels in headwords and in the text of entries.
Labels Selects the colour of grammatical, stylistic and other labels.
Search results (background) Selects the background colour used to highlight search results.
Show stress Highlights stressed vowels in headwords and in the text of entries.
only in headwords Select this option if you wish stress to be shown only for entry headwords.
Display example sentences and related words All the text is displayed on the cards, including usage examples.