Set up Money so you can pay your bills online through your bank's online bill payment service
To pay your bills online in Money, you must first sign up for an online bill payment service with your bank or with a bill payment service provider. Many banks provide this service. Check your bank's Web site for more information on whether they offer this service for use in Money, and how to sign up.

When you enter online sign-in information from your bank in Money, all the bank services associated with the account are automatically set up, including online bill payment. After you've set up online bill payment with your bank or with a bill payment service, check for the service in your existing Money accounts, and update them if necessary.

To update or set up online services:
  1. Click Banking, and then click Account List.
  2. In the left pane under Common tasks, click Manage online services.
  3. Look for the name of the bank or provider where you signed up for online bill payment service. If it's listed under You have set up online updates at these banks and brokerages, see if Online bill payment is listed under Services for that bank or provider. If it isn't, choose the appropriate method below.
     If it's listed under You have set up online updates at these banks and brokerages
     If it's listed under You haven't set up online updates with these banks and brokerages
