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Welcome to Snagit Editor : Get Familiar with the Editor : The Ribbon Tabs

The Ribbon Tabs
The Ribbon helps you quickly find the tools and options you need to complete a task. Tools and options are organized into groups that are collected together under specific tabs.
Each tab relates to a particular type of activity such as adding annotations with the drawing tools or interactive Hotspots.
For tips for interacting with the ribbon, see the table below.
Click the Snagit Button to access basic commands such as New, Open, Save, Save As, Send, Print, Delete, and Close.
Convert Images to batch convert images.
Resources to access more Snagit resources on the TechSmith Web site.
Editor Options button to set application preferences.
Customize the Quick Access Toolbar with the tools and commands used most frequently. Right-click icons and options throughout the ribbon to add to the Quick Access Toolbar.
The Quick Styles Gallery is a collection of ready-made styles or effects. To use, select a style from the gallery and drag or click on the canvas.
Click the gallery’s More button to see even more style options to choose from.
Minimize or Maximize the Ribbon from the Quick Access Toolbar
Click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar down arrow.
Select Minimize the Ribbon.
To restore the Ribbon, repeat steps 1-2.
Minimize or Maximize the Ribbon Using the Tabs
Minimize or Maximize the Ribbon Keyboard Shortcut
To minimize or restore the Ribbon, press <CTRL+F1>.
Things You Cannot Do with the Ribbon

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