Edit Translation Table


Use the Options -> Preferences -> Character Sets (XLAT) dialog to access the Character set translation dialog.


Press the Add button to create a new Character set translation (XLAT) table.


1. Enter a Display name
2. Enter the Character set name determined by the table and as it appears in the charset field of a message header (e.g. koi8-r for the Russian KOI-8 character set)
3. Select the Font script from the drop down list
4. Select the appropriate Windows code page number



· In the Translation INTO Windows tab, you can define the translations used to convert received characters in this translation / character set into displayable Windows characters.


· In the Translation FROM Windows tab, you can define the translations used to convert typed Windows characters into translated characters ready to be transmitted.


In both of these tabs, you are able to load and save predefined translation tables as XLT files.



Related topics:

Character Sets (XLAT)