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Language settings

Click the Defaults button to specify the following default language settings.

Language settings option Description
Audio language To always play audio soundtracks in a particular language, select a language from the list.

To override the audio language setting for a particular DVD, see To change the soundtrack language.

Captions and subtitles To always display captions and subtitles in a particular language, select a language from the list. Player performance may degrade when displaying subtitles or closed captions on computers with limited video memory.

To always use the default caption and subtitle language for a disc, click Title Default. Subtitles and closed captions cannot be displayed at the same time.

To always display closed captions instead of subtitles, click Closed Captions.

To override the captions and subtitles language setting for a particular DVD only, see To change the caption or subtitle language.

DVD menu To always display DVD menus in a particular language, select a language from the list.

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