Manual Table Layout Analysis

Tip: If automatic table layout analysis has resulted in table rows and columns being drawn incorrectly, try editing the automatic analysis results instead of deleting all the blocks and drawing them manually again. Almost invariably this proves less time consuming

Editing a table manually:

Use the following Image toolbar tools to edit a table:


 - Add a vertical separator

 - Add a horizontal separator

 - Remove a separator

If the table cell only contains a picture, select the Treat cell as picture item in the Block Properties dialog (menu View>Properties). If the table cell contains both text and pictures, draw a separate picture block (or blocks) inside the cell.

To merge table cells or rows:

Note: To avoid drawing horizontal and vertical separators manually, draw a separate table block, then right-click it and select the Analyze Table Structure item in the local menu. The system will then draw all the separators it considers necessary. Should the system draw any separators incorrectly, you can edit the table manually.