Drawing and Editing Blocks Manually

How to:

To create a new block:

  1. Select one of the following tools: 

    - to draw a recognition area;

    - to draw a text block;

    - to draw a picture block;

    - to draw a table block.

  2. Position the mouse at the point where you want a corner of your block to be. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse pointer to the point where you want the opposite block corner to be.   
  3. Release the mouse button.

A frame will enclose the image area selected.

You may then change the block type. The drawn block type may be one of the following: Recognition Area, Text, Table, Picture, or Barcode. To change block type:

Modifying blocks

To move the block borders:

  1. Click the block border and hold down the left mouse button. The mouse pointer will become a two-headed arrow.
  2. Drag the pointer in the direction you need.
  3. Release the mouse button.

Note: If you click a block corner, you can move both horizontal and vertical borders of the block at the same time. 

To add a rectangular block part:

  1. Select the tool.
  2. Click the block you wish to add a part to. Press and hold down the left mouse button then drag the mouse pointer diagonally. Select the image area you wish added to the block and release the button. The rectangle drawn will be added to the block.
  3. If necessary, move the block border.

To cut a rectangular block part:

  1. Select the tool.
  2. Click the block you wish to cut a part from. Press and hold down the left mouse button then drag the mouse pointer diagonally. Select the image area you want to cut and release the button. The selected rectangle will be cut from the block.
  3. If necessary, move the block border.


  1. You can alter block borders by adding new nodes (splitting points) to them. Use the mouse to move split border segments in any direction you desire.
    To add a new node, press Shift then move the mouse pointer to the point where you wish a new node to be created (the pointer will become a cross) and click on the border. A new node will be created.
  2. FineReader imposes certain requirements on block form. These requirements exist as text lines within blocks must be unbroken if recognition is to be successful. To ensure that these requirements are met, FineReader automatically corrects block borders when parts are added or cut. For example, if you cut a part off the top or bottom of a block, a whole block corner will automatically be cut. Similarly, if you try to cut off a part between the two upper or lower corners, the application will cut the right block corner (upper or lower) regardless. It will also forbid certain operations if they involve moving the segments forming the block borders.

To select a block or a group of blocks:

Note: You can select one or more blocks using the usual block drawing tools. To select several blocks at once hold down SHIFT or CTRL with one of the tools activated: , , or and drag the arrow over the blocks you wish to select. To invert the selection (i.e. to select an unselected block or vice versa), hold down the CTRL key with one of the tools activated: , , or and drag the arrow over the desired blocks.

To move blocks:

To renumber blocks:

  1. Select the tool.
  2. Click the blocks in the order of your choice. The contents of blocks will be displayed in the output text in the same order.  

Note: If you renumber blocks on a previously recognized image, the recognized text in the draft mode of Text window will be re-arranged to reflect the new numbering.

To delete a block:

Note:  If you delete a previously recognized block, its text in the Text window will be deleted too.

To delete all image blocks:

Note:  If you delete blocks on an image that has already been recognized, the recognized text in the Text window will also be deleted.

Editing a table

To edit a table select one of the following tools on the Image toolbar: 

- to add a vertical separator;

- to add a horizontal separator;

- to remove a separator.

To merge several cells:

To split previously merged cells:

To merge table rows (the division into columns is retained)

Manual table layout analysis
Block types
Using block templates