The Dictionary Dialog


Option description

The top dialog field Enter the word you want to add to the dictionary here.
Word list   Displays all user dictionary words. Select the word you want to delete or the word you want to view the paradigm of.
Add (button) Adds the word you typed in the top line to the dictionary. Click this button to open the Primary form dialog and create the word's paradigm. If the word you add already exists in the dictionary, ABBYY FineReader will display a message about it.
View (button) Displays the paradigm of the selected word.
Delete (button)   Deletes the selected word from the dictionary.
Import (button) Imports an already existing dictionary (for example, user dictionaries created by ABBYY FineReader 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 or 6.0 or *.dic user dictionary created by Microsoft Word 6.0, 7.0, 97 (8.0), 2000 (9.0), 2002 (10.0) or 2003 (11.0)). Any text file in Windows (ANSI)-encoding will also do as a dictionary, the only requirement is that words must be separated by spaces or other non-alphabetic characters.
Export (button) Exports your ABBYY FineReader user dictionary.