 Change View 

The File Menu

Menu item: What does it do:
Open PDF/Image Adds an image to the batch. The image is copied into the batch folder.
Scan Image Scans an image.
Stop Scanning Stops scanning. 
New Batch Creates a new batch.
Open Batch Opens the Open Batch dialog. You may select the batch you want to work with in the dialog. If you want ABBYY FineReader to open the last batch you worked with at startup:
  • Select the Open last batch at startup item on the General tab (Tools>Options).
Save Batch As Saves the current batch.
Close Batch  Closes the current batch. The batch you close is automatically saved.
Save Result/Save Wizard Opens the Save Wizard so you may select the application for saving the text and also set the saving options.
Save Result/Save Pages... Saves the recognized text to a disk file.
Save Result/E-mail Pages... Opens the E-mail Pages dialog. In the dialog that appears, select the attachment options and click OK. The recognized text will be attached to an e-mail letter.
Save Result/Send All Pages to> Sends all the recognized pages into the application you select without saving them on disk.

Note If you've edited the recognized text in the ABBYY FineReader text editor or changed some saving options after you've copied this text to the Clipboard, then if you select Paste in another application you'll get the changed text pasted, not the one copied previously to the Clipboard, and the changed options will be used.

Save Result/Send Selected Pages to> Sends the recognized text into the application you select without saving it on disk. If you'd like to export only certain batch pages, select them first.

Note If you've edited the recognized text in the ABBYY FineReader text editor or changed some saving options after you've copied this text to the Clipboard, then if you select Paste in another application you'll get the changed text pasted, not the one copied previously to the Clipboard, and the changed options will be used.

Save Result/Save Images... Saves the page image or selected block images.
Save Result/E-mail Images... Opens the E-mail Images dialog. In the dialog that appears, select the attachment options and click OK. The selected images will be attached to an e-mail letter.
Print/Image... Opens the Print dialog. You may use it to print the image of the current page or images of the selected pages.
Print/Text... Opens the Print dialog. You may use it to print the text of the current page or text from pages selected in the Batch window.
Document Properties Opens the Document Properties dialog where you can add properties to the batch pages. The properties are as follows: title, author, subject and keywords.
Recent Batch Displays a list of recently opened batches.
Exit Quits ABBYY FineReader.