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Network Document Processing

ABBYY FineReader Corporate Edition is especially designed for network document processing. Each computer involved in network processing must have a separate copy of ABBYY FineReader installed. (For more information about installing ABBYY FineReader on workstations, working with the License Manager, and working with the program in a local area network, please refer to the "System Administrator's Guide" which can be found in the Administrator's Guide folder on the server on which ABBYY FineReader was installed.) 

ABBYY FineReader Corporate Edition allows you to do the following:

  1. Work with the same batch over a network

    The Corporate Edition allows you to increase the speed at which documents are processed. In addition, the whole process is tracked, so that the logins and computer i.d. numbers of all those involved in opening, scanning, recognizing, and checking batch pages are noted. Changes made by a user are not user-specific and apply to all users of the same batch.

  2. Group work with the same user languages and user dictionaries

    ABBYY FineReader Corporate Edition allows users to work with and expand (e.g. while running a spelling checker) the same user languages and dictionaries simultaneously.

  3. Group work with customized dictionaries for languages with dictionary support 

    ABBYY FineReader provides built-in dictionaries for languages that have dictionary support. These dictionaries contain the most commonly encountered words, but might not include proper names, specialized technical terms, acronyms, etc. Adding the latter to customized dictionaries increases recognition quality and speeds up the spelling check. This is because ABBYY FineReader searches for a dictionary entry for each word it encounters. In addition, ABBYY FineReader Corporate Edition allows users to work simultaneously with the same customized dictionary.

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