How to Create a New Language Group

If you often recognize texts written in a certain language combination, say, English-German, you may create a language group combining these languages. The created group will be displayed in the language list on the Standard toolbar. 

Note: You can specify the recognition languages to be used in the language list on the Standard toolbar. To do this, select the Select Multiple languages item in the list. The Recognition Language dialog will open. Select the languages you need in the dialog.

To create a recognition language group:

  1. Select the Language Editor item in the Tools menu and click the New button. A dialog will open. Select the Create a new group of languages item in the dialog.
  2. The Language Group Properties dialog will open.

Set the following new language group parameters (all parameters are set in the Language Group Properties dialog):

  1. Group name.
  2. Languages contained in the group.


  1. If you know that your text will not contain certain characters, you may wish to specify these so-called prohibited characters in the relevant language group's properties. Specifying such characters can increase both recognition speed and quality. To specify prohibited characters, click the Advanced button in the Language Group Properties dialog. The Advanced Language Group Properties dialog will open. Specify the set of prohibited characters in the Prohibited characters line. 
  2. By default, the newly created user language group will be saved in the batch folder. In the case of ABBYY FineReader Corporate Edition, you can specify the destination folder. For more information on group work with user languages and dictionaries, see "Group work with the same user languages and user dictionaries".