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Saving Recognized Text in PPT Format

When saving the recognition results to PPT format, ABBYY FineReader automatically retains full page layout.

All saving options for PPT format are set on the PPT tab in the Formats Settings dialog. To open this dialog, click the Formats Settings button on the Save tab of the Options dialog or press CTRL+SHIFT+X.

Note:  When saving text in PPT format, ABBYY FineReader uses the fonts set on the Save tab in the Options dialog (Tools>Options menu) or those you set during text editing in the Text window.

The following options enable you to customize the saving mode so that the resulting document is most suitable for later retrieval and processing:

Text settings

Picture Settings

If you wish to keep pictures in the recognized text, make sure that the Keep pictures option is set in the Picture settings group.

If the recognized document contains many pictures, you can reduce the size of the resulting file: select the desired picture quality and format in the Picture settings group.


Three quality levels are available in the Quality drop-down list. Select:

The higher the value you choose from the Quality drop-down list, the higher will be the quality of the pictures you save. The size of the file is also affected by this value: the higher the value, the larger the file you get.

Tip. In order to tune the best 'size/quality' ratio, try to save the recognition results with different Quality values, and then open them in an image viewing application.


As a rule, ABBYY FineReader selects the picture format automatically. To ensure that this is the case, make sure that the (Automatic) item is selected from the Format drop-down list.

If you wish to set up the format manually, select one of the following items:

When saving results in the PPT format, ABBYY FineReader creates special HTML files that contain the different parts of the presentation. To save the presentation as a single file, re-save it using PowerPoint (select Save As in the File menu and specify PPT as the saving format).