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G`d`mm{i on slnkw`mh~ x`aknm Qndepf`mh

Oew`r| }rncn p`gdek` Oped{dsy` qrp`mhv`Bepmsr|q j jp`rjnls nagnps ck`b{Qkeds~y` qrp`mhv`

]rnr x`aknm HTML hqonk|gserq rnk|jn dk Apnsgepmni qop`bjh, wrna{ cemephpnb`r| o`mek| Qndepf`mhe b p`gleyemhh tpeil`, jnrnpne ondp`f`er onbkemh~ h tsmjvhnm`k|m{l bnglnfmnqrl qpedqrb` opnqlnrp` Qop`bjh HTML, b na{wmnl apnsgepe. (Qndepf`mhe b Qop`bje HTML me lnfer a{r| m`qrpnemn hg Help & Manual. Qndepf`mhe b qpedqrbe opnqlnrp` eBook r`jfe mejnmthcsphpseln.)

Qr`md`prm{i jnd g`d`mmncn on slnkw`mh~ x`aknm` onj`g`m mhfe. Gekem{e aknjh jnd` - qrhkh. ]kelemr{, jnrnp{e onj`g`m{ qhmhl - oepelemm{e, }kelemr{, jnrnp{e onj`g`m{ jp`qm{l - sqknbh.

Ql. Ped`jrhpnb`mhe x`aknmnb HTML b Hqonk|gnb`mhe x`aknmnb HTML dk hmqrpsjvhi n rnl, j`j ped`jrhpnb`r| x`aknm.

Asd|re nqnaemmn nqrnpnfm{, ped`jrhps }rnr x`aknm!

X`aknm Qndepf`mh - menrzelkel` w`qr| dhm`lhweqjncn Qndepf`mh qpedqrb` opnqlnrp` qop`bjh, qcemephpnb`mmncn Help & Manual dk Apnsgepmni qop`bjh. Ecn jnd bkerq nqmnbm{l dk m`dkef`yecn tsmjvhnmhpnb`mh qpedqrb` opnqlnrp` h Qndepf`mh. Onf`ksiqr` asd|re wpegb{w`imn nqrnpnfm{, jncd` B{ ped`jrhps~r }rnr x`aknm eqkh B{ me onmhl`ere j`js~-rn w`qr| jnd`, rn kswxe nqr`bhr| ee b onjne!

Oepelemm{e x`aknm`, nopedekemh qrhk h tsmjvhh:

X`aknm - b nqmnbmnl opnqr` qrp`mhv` HTML/XHTML q lmnfeqrbnl dhm`lhweqjhu oepelemm{u, qndepf`mhe jnrnp{u sqr`mnbkemn `brnl`rhweqjh, jncd` B{ jnlohkhpsere, b g`bhqhlnqrh nr nopedekemmncn b{undmncn tnpl`r` h b`xhu sqr`mnbnj. B dnonkmemhe j }rnls x`aknm r`jfe nopedeker qrhkh bundnb Qndepf`mh dk xeqrh spnbmei.

Qohqnj mhfe oepewhqker rnk|jn knj`k|m{e qrhkh h q`l{e b`fm{e hqonk|gsel{e oepelemm{e. Ankee onkm` qop`bnwm` hmtnpl`vh n oepelemm{u dk x`aknmnb HTML b Oepelemm{e x`aknm` HTML.

Oepelemm` / Qrhk|

Qndepf`mhe h/hkh tsmjvh oepelemmni


]r` oepelemm` mnb` b Help & Manual 4. Nm` sqr`m`bkhb`er op`bhk|m{i rho dnjslemr` HTML hkh XHTML b g`bhqhlnqrh nr b`xecn b{undmncn tnpl`r` h sqr`mnbnj. ]rn bkerq nqmnbm{l dk op`bhk|mncn b{bnd` HTML h onddepfjh Unicode. ]rn dnkfem a{r| oepb{i }kelemr m` oepbni qrpnje x`aknm`.


]r` oepelemm` mnb` b Help & Manual 4. Nm` sqr`m`bkhb`er op`bhk|m{i m`anp qhlbnknb HTML hkh XHTML b g`bhqhlnqrh nr b`xecn b{undmncn tnpl`r` h sqr`mnbnj. ]rn bkerq nqmnbm{l dk bqecn b{bnd` HTML h onddepfjh Unicode, h }rn dnkfmn a{r| bjk~wemn b ler` r}c Content Type.


]rn - dpsc` mnb` oepelemm`. Nm` bqr`bker qq{kjs m` t`ik r`akhv{ qrhkei CSS, jnrnp{i qndepfhr bqe nopedekemh qrhkei b`xecn opnejr`. ]rn ngm`w`er, wrn B{ lnfere r`jfe qnqk`r|q m` k~ani hg qrhkei, nopedekemm{u b b`xel opnejre b x`aknme, eqkh B{ unrhre. (]rn bkerq q`l{l kecjhl, eqkh B{ `jrhbhghpsere novh~ ]jqonpr hlem qrhk b Novhh }jqonpr` HTML.)

Nrler|re, wrn, eqkh B{ bbndhre rejqr b x`aknm, me nopedek r}c <P> hkh <SPAN> bmn, nm asder nrtnpl`rhpnb`m qr`md`prm{l qrhkel Normal `brnl`rhweqjh.


]rnr aknj nopedekemhi qrhk sop`bker onbkemhel g`cnknbjnb Qndepf`mh b mnpl`k|mnl (meb{ap`mmnl) qnqrnmhh.


]rnr aknj nopedekemhi qrhk sop`bker onbkemhel g`cnknbjnb Qndepf`mh, jncd` nmh b{ap`m{, q dpschl vbernl tnm` h xphtrnl, wrna{ opnhgbeqrh }ttejr ondqberjh.

Nrler|re, eqkh b`xe Qndepf`mhe hleer ank|xe wel xeqr| spnbmei (me pejnlemdserq!), bqe onqkeds~yhe g`cnknbjh asdsr `brnl`rhweqjh hqonk|gnb`r| qrhk| heading6.


]rnr qrhk| tnpl`rhpser g`d`mm{i on slnkw`mh~ g`cnknbnj Qndepf`mh, jnrnp{i bqr`bkem q oepelemmni <%TITLE%> gdeq| (rnk|jn mhfe r}c` <BODY>, me <%TITLE%> r}c b m`w`ke dnjslemr`!).


]rnr qrhk| tnpl`rhpser qrpnjs Qndepf`mhe | Sj`g`rek| | Onhqj mhfe g`cnknbj`.


]rnr qrhk| nopedeker weijh r`akhv{, jnrnp{e bjk~w`~r nrdek|m{e bund{ Qndepf`mh. B{ lnfere hglemhr| hmrepb`k bundnb h op`bncn onk Qndepf`mh, pecskhps `rphasr{ padding-bottom h padding-right.


]r` oepelemm` bqr`bker g`cnknbnj b`xecn opnejr`.


]r` oepelemm` bqr`bker `dpeq qq{kjh dk sj`g`rek jk~web{u qknb r`j, wrna{ onk|gnb`rek| lnc oepejk~whr|q j mels hg Qndepf`mh.


]r` oepelemm` bqr`bker `dpeq qq{kjh o`mekh onhqj` on bqei qop`bje r`j, wrna{ onk|gnb`rek| lnc oepejk~whr|q j mels hg Qndepf`mh.


]r` oepelemm` bqr`bker qohqnj Qndepf`mh hg b`xecn opnejr` b qrp`mhvs Qndepf`mh, r`jhl fe nap`gnl j`j <%TOPIC_TEXT%> bqr`bker p`gdek hg ped`jrnp` b qrp`mhvs p`gdek`. ]rn - q`l` b`fm` oepelemm` b x`aknme. Eqkh ee me asder r`l, rn B{ me asdere hler| Qndepf`mh.


]r` oepelemm` bqr`bker nazbkemhe na `brnpqjnl op`be hg Opnejr > Qbniqrb` opnejr` > Nayhe qbniqrb` > G`cnknbnj h @brnpqjne op`bn.

Ql. Oepelemm{e b x`aknm`u HTML h Sqknbm{i b{bnd b x`aknm`u HTML dk der`kei nrmnqhrek|mn hqonk|gnb`mh oepelemm{u h sqknbm{u oepejk~w`rekei.

R}ch qvem`ph dk p`gbepr{b`mh/qbepr{b`mh Qndepf`mh:

B{ lnfere hqonk|gnb`r| qkeds~yhe db` r}c` qvem`ph b x`aknme Qndepf`mh, wrna{ qngd`r| qq{kjh, jnrnp{e p`gbepmsr h qbepmsr bqe Qndepf`mhe, jncd` onk|gnb`rek| m`fhl`er m` mhu:

<a href="javascript:parent.fullexpand()">P`gbepmsr| Qndepf`mhe</a>
<a href="javascript:parent.fullcollapse()">Qbepmsr| qndepf`mhe</a>

G`d`mm{i on slnkw`mh~ jnd x`aknm` Qndepf`mh



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