Translating Words and Phrases

Important! If you are using ABBYY Lingvo Multilingual Dictionary, make sure you have selected the correct translation direction before you start translating words.

Translating words in ABBYY Lingvo

To translate a word or phrase in ABBYY Lingvo:
  1. Type in the word you wish to translate in the search field.
  2. Click (Translate) on the toolbar. 

The corresponding card(s) will be displayed containing the translations of the word or phrase.

Translating words in other applications

To translate a word or phrase in another application (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera):

  1. Select the word or phrase you wish to translate.
  2. Press Ctrl+C+C or Ctrl+Ins+Ins.

The corresponding card(s) will be displayed containing the translations of the word or phrase.