Compare funds by using the 401(k) Quick
- At the top of the page, click Investing, and
then click Funds.
- In the left pane, under Planning, click
401(k) Quick Check.
- In the Enter Name or Symbol box, type the fund
symbols available in your 401(K) plan (separated by spaces), and
then click Go.
Find symbols
- To search for the fund symbols for your company plan,
click Find Symbol.
- Follow the instructions on the screen.
- To see different types of information about the fund, in the
View list, select Performance,
General, Holdings, or
- If you have at least two funds allocated, in the left pane,
under Planning, click
- Enter the allocation percentage you want for each fund, and
then click Update.
- To compare two allocation strategies, click Compare 2
allocations, enter another set of allocation percentages,
and then click Update.
Compare the results for Allocation 1 and
Allocation 2 under Stocks, Bonds and Cash
distribution, under Return, and under
Morningstar's return figures have been adjusted to include
dividends and short- and long-term capital gains distributions.