Compare funds by using the 401(k) Quick Check
  1. At the top of the page, click Investing, and then click Funds.
  2. In the left pane, under Planning, click 401(k) Quick Check.
  3. In the Enter Name or Symbol box, type the fund symbols available in your 401(K) plan (separated by spaces), and then click Go.
  4. Find symbols
    1. Follow the instructions on the screen.
  5. To see different types of information about the fund, in the View list, select Performance, General, Holdings, or Custom.
  6. If you have at least two funds allocated, in the left pane, under Planning, click Allocation.
  7. Enter the allocation percentage you want for each fund, and then click Update.
  8. To compare two allocation strategies, click Compare 2 allocations, enter another set of allocation percentages, and then click Update.

    Compare the results for Allocation 1 and Allocation 2 under Stocks, Bonds and Cash distribution, under Return, and under Risk.


Morningstar's return figures have been adjusted to include dividends and short- and long-term capital gains distributions.