Export Deluxe Screener results to the Portfolio Manager
  1. At the top of the page, click Investing, and then do one of the following:
    • Click Stocks, and then in the left pane under Find Stocks, click Stock Screener.
    • Click Funds, and then in the left pane under Find Funds, click Deluxe Screener.
  2. In the Deluxe Screener, select your search criteria, and then click Run Search.

    For more information on running predefined, new, and saved searches, see the Related topics below.

  3. Hold down the CTRL key and click the company names you want to export.
  4. On the Deluxe Screener's Edit menu, click Add Selected Symbols to Portfolio Manager or Add All Symbols to Portfolio Manager.

    The symbols are entered in a Watch account with the same name as the search you ran.

  5. To view the results in the Portfolio Manager, click Portfolio.


You must be signed in to Money with a Windows Live ID password to use this feature.