About updating online services
Occasionally, your bank or brokerage might not be able to move
your transfers, electronic payments, or automatic payments to its
new service. If this happens, you'll have to cancel your Epays (Electronic
payment. An arrangement with your bank or brokerage to have funds
withdrawn from your account and sent to a payee. You can set up
Epays in Money.) and Apays (Automatic
payment. A type of electronic payment for which you set up the
payment amount and payment frequency only once, and the payment is
sent as scheduled until you cancel it. Monthly mortgage or rent
payments are good candidates for Apay because they are generally
the same amount every month.) in Money, and then set them up
again after the upgrade.
An online service update might require some or all of the
following items. If your bank or brokerage updates its services,
Money will tell you which ones apply to you.
- Cancel electronic payments.
- Cancel automatic payments.
It's also a good idea to back up your Money file before you
update online services.