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Welcome to Snagit Editor : Get Familiar with the Editor : Common Editor Tasks : Resize Tasks

Resize Tasks
Resize Entire Capture or Image File
Scale the capture or image file to a specific size using the custom size options.
Click Image tab > Canvas group > Resize tool > Resize Image option
You must flatten all vector-based to resize the entire canvas. If there are vector objects on the canvas, you are prompted to flatten objects and continue.
The Resize Image task page appears. Make selections and click Close.
Select Smooth Scaling to give the capture or image edges a “smooth” appearance. The Smooth Scaling option also improves the readability of the scaled down capture.
Keep aspect ratio maintains the correct proportion when changing the width or height.
Resize the Entire Canvas
When you resize the canvas, whatever is on the canvas is cropped.
There are two ways to perform this task.
Click Image tab > Canvas group > Resize tool > Resize Canvas option.
All vector-based objects must be flattened in order to resize the entire canvas. If there are vector-based objects on the canvas, you are prompted to flatten objects and continue.
The Resize Canvas task page appears. Make selections and click Close.
You do not need to flatten vector-based objects for this method of resizing. However, objects off the canvas during the resizing are lost.

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