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Welcome to Snagit Editor

Welcome to Snagit Editor
Use Snagit Editor to apply professional, quality finishing touches to your captures. Also share or locate, view, and manage captures and multimedia files.
The Open Captures Tray automatically stores captures.
Editing options include flip, mirror, shear, rotate, crop, and cut.
Add custom edge effects such as drop shadow, torn or faded edges, and enhancements such as arrows, cursors, lines, text, and much more.
Use the Search Pane, find and move/organize captures.
In the Library, view captures as a thumbnail or a list view and sort by name, size, type, date, dimensions, flags or keywords.
Share captures via email or FTP, send to Office applications, or print multiple images.
Because Snagit and Snagit Editor are two separate applications that can exist side by sideā€¦.
View more than one capture at a time.
For more information, see:

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