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Welcome to Snagit Editor : Get Familiar with the Editor : Transparency

Snagit supports transparency while capturing and editing. Transparency means that a part of your image is clear or see-through. Transparent images can be put on web pages or presentation slides for compelling and professional looking visuals.
This means that edge effects like drop shadows and torn edges no longer add a white border to your captures. Instead, the effect is applied and the added area is transparent.
If you have questions about how transparency works, whether in Snagit or in general, see What You Need to Know About Transparency in the Tutorial section of this file, or on the web on the TechSmith Learning Center.
Transparency in the Editor is represented by a checkerboard pattern on the canvas. This checkerboard pattern does not appear in your saved image; it only appears to represent areas that are transparent.
Draw tools
The Fill tool can be used to fill an area with transparency.
The Eraser tool can be used to remove a section of the image, leaving behind only the transparent canvas.
Cut, Copy and Paste
Cut, copy and pasting of selections inside and from the Snagit Editor retains transparency information.
Save an Image with Transparency
A preview window in the Save dialog shows your image as it will be saved, depending on the format selected. Transparency can be disabled for the above formats by deselecting the Use transparency checkbox.

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